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Indian Stereotypes: How To Be A Genuine Indian

Essay Instructions:

Using the attached format, create an essay in the form of the attached document but instead of explaining the frustrations of writers writing about Africa write about the stereotypes of Indians but focusing on sarcastically writing "how to be a genuine Indian", create a guide on how to be the perfect Indian using the following stereotypes: being the smartest kid in math class, being spelling bee champ, have the best grades, being Valedictorian, riding to school on elephants, bargaining, etc. Please add humor. These are instructions from the teacher: Create a How to...

Choose another kind of text to create- a letter, email exchange, travel piece, review, or something related to or in response to How to Write About Africa

Be sure that you write about something you know. Make sure you can articulate the purpose and intended audience for both How to Write About Africa and your own piece.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Indian Stereotypes
Indian Stereotypes: How to be a genuine Indian
When you think about India, you are thinking about a country of traditions and contrasts. There are a lot of stereotypes associated with Indians. When you want to be a perfect Indian, do not just walk around anyhow, always be in a hurry. When you are leaving a train or a bus, always strive to be the first to want to leave. In the Indian community, the young and agile are always in a hurry, wanting to be the first in a queue.
Another important stereotype about Indians is that they are geniuses when it comes to mathematics. If you want to be a perfect Indian, you must be able to solve those complicated mathematical problems with ease. Most importantly, never forget to love freebies. Indians love freebies. If it is free, you must want it regardless of what it is. Just do you best to love freebies and get the most out of them. An Indian would take up the opportunity to use up anything free even if they never use them.
Another important stereotype is that Indians never give up. It never matters whether the issue being talked about is important or not, Indians just do not know how to give up. If you want to be a perfect Indian, never give up on anything, even unimportant matters that never change your life in any meaningful way. The fact that Indians never give up amounts to also refusing to accept reality. Indians would remain hopeful even if the odds are highly stuck up against them. Always pray for a miracle even if no one thinks it is possible.
You should also not take the word “No” kindly. Indians hate to be told “No”. You cannot tell an Indian “no” and they let you walk away easily. They will always persist, persuading you to at least try doing whatever it is they are suggesting. If you want to be a perfect Indian, never let anyone tell you “no” and you let them go away easily. Always try to persuade them to at least change their minds and consider your point of view. An Indian would also strive to avoid saying the word “No”. Instead, you should use the words such as “...
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