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Human Life Span Flashback Learning

Essay Instructions:

1. Introduction describe what you've learned about the human lifespan psychology class in two paragraphs. 2. Explain these three topics to the reader in your own words. Explain them completely. What did you learn from this three topics? Avoid over simplifying each topic. You can freely wright anything that it is intersecting about this three topics. Write each topic in almost 500 words. The three topics are: a. Good and Different parenting style.What is the ideal parenting styles? b. what is Dopamine? positive and negative side effect of dopamine? c. Fixed mind set versus Growth mindset.State the positive and negative side effect of each mindset? Which is better growth or fixed mindset and why? how can you prevent someone for entering a fixed mindset. 3.Why did you find these topics interesting/helpful? How will you use them in your personal life or professional life?

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Human Life Span Flashback Learning
The human lifespan psychology involves an in-depth study of how human beings undergo growth, development, and adaptation to different situations and environments. Throughout their lives, human beings go through a series of developments stages that range from the physical, social, perceptual, cognitive, emotional and even the intellectual growth. Those who study human psychology argue that growth and development in human beings do not stop in their adult stage of life. They believe that development is a process that is continuous from conception and extends throughout the entire lifespan of the human beings (Ashworth, 2000).
The study human lifespan psychology therefore tries to describe the real connection existing between the past and the future of a person. Understanding this connection is vital in explaining the concept, which states that early family life normally affects the later life of humans. However, the lifespan development also acknowledges the fact that context, culture, and cohort are very powerful useful in predicting the futuristic actions of humans with regard to the current actions. It is therefore clear that before we need to consider different factors and characteristics of a person as opposed to confining ourselves to a single concept. This paper critically examines good and different parenting styles, defines dopamine from a broad perspective, and analyzes fixed mindset versus growth mindset. Most importantly, the paper provides a discussion on why the aforementioned topics are interesting and helpful and how one will use them in personal life or professional life.
Good and Different Parenting Styles
The study of human development has increasingly raised various questions regarding good and different parenting styles. Whilst some have suggested that any parenting method results to child development and growth, there has been disapproval on such suggestions by different psychologists. It is worth examining the basis of the different psychologists in order to explore the good parenting styles. Psychologists around the world have discovered two broad components of parenting styles. One of them is responsiveness that explains the extent to which one is actually willing to grant independence. The second component of parenting style revolves around the level of strict obedience one requires or expects from their children (Baumeister, 2008). There are, however, four different categories of parenting styles that include; authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved.
The authoritarian parents are completely strict and always controlling. They command total obedience from their children and maintain a strong sense of justice in every situation. They also have clearly set out guidelines and rules that children are expected to fully comply with all the time. Children are not expected to challenge any of the rules lest they get punished. These children are normally timid and most of them grapple with low self-esteem.
These parents are extremely demanding but are not responsive (Cherry, 2010). Authoritative parents on the other hand are generally warm to their children though they retain their overall authority and control. They are good communicators and always try to maintain a proper balance between the child’s desire for independence and the parent’s desire to be listened to all the time. These parents are also known to be strict, assertive, demanding, and responsive. In other words, they are both demanding and responsive at the same time. According to researchers, their children are the best settled in life.
Permissive parents make few demands to their children. They are generally welcoming and accepting. Most of them avoid confrontations and hence, are seen to be lenient and understanding. They tend to compensate for what they might have lacked in life while growing up for example if they grew up in poverty; they are seen to bend towards providing the child with goods and freedom (Baumeister, 2008). Furthermore, they are more responsive than demanding. Uninvolved parents give almost absolute freedom to their children. They have the least level both in their level of demanding and responsiveness. This has a danger of verging to neglect if not properly controlled.
Among the four styles of parenting, the authoritarian type is the most ideal since most parents believe that children are supposed to fully submit and comply with their demands and guidelines set out to them. Failures to this, the children are regarded as nothing but total failures in life (Ashworth, 2000).
Dopamine is a chemical messenger that ensures transmission of signals found in the brain into other areas of the body. It exists both in human and other animals. Some of the areas in which dopamine is produced in the brain include substantia nigra...
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