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2 pages/≈550 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 7.2

Grad Application letter of intent

Essay Instructions:
Information requested uploaded: I will provide general information but, will need you to expand/create an exceptional intent letter. Information off school website: A written document prepared by the applicant that includes a resume, (letter of intent) a discussion of prior professional experience, future career goals, and reasons for pursuing graduate study. Please reach out with any additional questions.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Letter of Intent for Graduate Study Name Institution Course and Code Professor Date A Letter of Intent for Graduate Study Your Name Physical Address Email Date To Admissions Committee, [Insert School Name], Name of the School. Physical Address. Dear Admissions Committee, I am [Insert Your Name], applying for graduate study at your school to pursue a Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). I am interested in the PMHNP program at your university after interacting with a few alumni, educators, and researching about it. I have confidence that your school is the best place for me, where I will achieve all my educational and career goals due to the availability of professional and highly skilled teaching staff and adequate academic resources. As a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), I have served different patients who needed skilled nursing care for over 20 years. I obtained my registered nurse (RN) license in 2023, after two decades from when I decided to further my education. In addition, I will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in December 2024. With over two decades in nursing...
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