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Gender Role in Pay Disparities

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Gender Role in Pay Disparities – A Multifaceted Analysis
Institutional Affiliation
April 27, 2023
Gender pay disparity is a widespread global issue limiting women's economic advancement within a conventional sociocultural setting. Women confront various workplace difficulties tied to their demographic identity, consequently influencing their career growth, promotions, and progress across diverse sectors. This essay delves into the gender pay gap, its driving factors, its consequences on society and the economy, and a comparison among different sectors in relation to this matter, utilizing the discoveries from several studies. Accordingly, the subsequent sections of this article will then analyze this persistent issue within the realm of healthcare, followed by several policy recommendations that could help address this issue.
In line with this, I will structure the paper as follows. First, it will discuss the root causes of the gender pay gap, examining various factors such as sociocultural values, human capital, agency segregation, position segregation, and the glass ceiling. Second, the essay will explore the implications of the gender pay disparity on society, touching on aspects like career development, access to opportunities, and overall gender equality. Finally, the paper will analyze the economic impact of the gender pay gap, highlighting the potential losses and inefficiencies due to wage disparities.
Furthermore, this essay will provide a comparative analysis of the gender pay gap across different sectors, including public, private, and non-profit organizations, identifying the variations in pay equity and the effectiveness of measures taken to address the issue. Lastly, the author believes that improving gender equality in pay requires significant changes in state policy. Thus, the author would like to provide recommendations for policy changes and potential strategies to mitigate the gender pay gap, emphasizing the need for legal, sociocultural, and organizational reforms to promote equal opportunities and economic growth for women.
Root Causes of Gender Pay Disparity
Throughout the years, studies have shown a highly complex and multifaceted reason causing gender pay disparities between men and women. For instance, Alkadry and Tower (2006) probe the fundamental causes of gender-based pay inequality by examining four gender theories—the glass ceiling, position segregation, agency segregation, and human capital. The glass ceiling represents the unseen obstacles that impede women from climbing the corporate ladder and attaining higher-ranking positions. Although recent socio-political changes would seem to support the idea that gender disparity is less in recent times, studies done by Smith-Doerr et al. (2019) show that the application of these four gender theories is still present in between various sectors of the workforce and even within departments in a similar workplace. This highlights the idea of position segregation, which denotes the unequal distribution of men and women across various roles. In contrast, agency segregation alludes to the gender imbalance in distinct organizations or sectors. Overall, the human capital theory posits that disparities in education, experience, and skill sets contribute to the pay gap.
Accordingly, this analysis shows that position and agency segregation lies at the core of the gender pay inequality issue, demanding attention and resolution. Specifically, sociocultural values, organizational culture, and human capital contribute to these barriers, thus necessitating legal and policy reforms to counteract the situation (Alkadry & Tower, 2006). Addressing unconscious biases, promoting diversity and inclusion, and implementing equitable hiring and promotion practices are crucial for tackling the gender pay gap and fostering a more equitable work environment.
Gender Pay Gap Predictors
As mentioned earlier, the gender pay gap remains a critical concern in modern societies, and understanding its predictors and consequences is vital for devising practical solutions. Various studies have delved into the intricacies of this issue, revealing distinct yet interconnected themes that contribute to its persistence.
For one, Bishu and Alkadry (2016) conducted a systematic review of 98 peer-reviewed studies, unearthing three primary themes: inequity in access to organizational authority and employment and career advancement opportunities, and demographic representation. The researchers emphasized the need for further investigation across government sectors to address these disparities. Simultaneously, Lips (2003) analyzed the pay gap across different domains, such as educational levels and ethnic identities, highlighting the intersectionality of gender pay disparities and the importance of recognizing the multifaceted nature of the issue when crafting targeted strategies.
In line with this, a qualitative study by Goyal et al. (2021) shows factors contributing to gender pay disparities in northern India. They identified the social construction of demographic differences, organizational representation of identity, managerial perspectives on gender, and the absence of multifaceted supportive actions as significant contributors to the problem. This research further emphasized the need to consider cultural, societal, and organizational factors when addressing the gender pay gap.
An interesting finding in Bishu and Alkadry's (2016) systematic review is the superior performance of the public sector in fostering equality and economic justice. The public sector's ability to establish boundaries on sociocultural phenomena and mitigate other barriers obstructing women's economic progress suggests that organizations that prioritize gender equality create environments that empower women to achieve their full potential, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.
These studies demonstrate that the gender pay gap is complex, rooted in various factors, and manifests differently across demographic groups and sectors. To address the pay gap effectively, policymakers and organizations must adopt comprehensive solutions that encompass legal, policy, and organizational reforms and promote diversity, inclusion, and equitable hiring and promotion practices. By understanding and addressing the intricate factors contributing to the gender pay gap, societies can work toward a more equitable future for all. Now that a general framework of gender pay disparities is analyzed, the following section focuses on this issue within the healthcare sector.
Gender Pay Gap in Healthcare
Despite being a critical component of society's well-being, the medical and healthcare field is not exempt from gender pay disparity. In the United States, the gender pay gap among medical professionals has drawn attention due to its persistence and...
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