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DQS: Confusing Ideas

Essay Instructions:
As Wyrick implores on pages 248-249, today, perhaps more than ever before, we need clear definitions to help us make intelligent choices. Sure, we don't need a “clear definition” of chair, pencil, or balloon to help us make “intelligent choices.” But, it gets a bit trickier as we expand the multitude of differences (e.g., cultural) when it comes to definitions. For example, when I first arrived in Thailand, I was surprised (to say the least!) when I learned that a toilet is generally a hole in the floor above which one squats. Okay, it was a shock—but not one that would lead to a heated argument! We save those for terms like freedom, intelligence, terrorist, liberal—and the granddaddy of them all: POLITICS. For this discussion think of at least two concepts or ideas you have encountered where there was confusion about the definition. What were these concepts or ideas? What was the confusion? Write about the confusion you encountered and how you cleared up the confusion, at least in your own mind. If you had to do any research to find out about a clear definition, please share that as well.
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Confusing Ideas
Confusing ideas
Ideas can either be clear and distinct or obscure and confusing. Things relating to sight mostly explain the ideas/perception of mind. As a result, to distinguish clear and obscure objects, we use light. Light enables people to discover visible objects, and any object that cannot be placed in the light sufficiently to figure out its content or colors that are observable in it is said to be obscure and confusing. Causes of obscurity and confusion can be said to be presence of darkness while observing an object, very slight/lack of impressions made by the objects, and failure of the memory to give the correct perception (Of Clear and Obscure, Distinct and Confused Ideas, n.d.). In this paper, I discuss some two confusing ideas I have encountered in life.
One of the most confusing ideas I encountered was the idea that people could speak in different languages and yet understand each other. I even thought that a barking dog was communicating in a certain language that I could not comprehend. I could not understand how one of my relatives could speak in more than one language. As a kid, I always sought for an explanation why people could speak in different languages and at the same time understand each other. The only response I got was that it happened naturally and even at one time, I could find myself speaking in a foreign language. I was not satisfied with that explanation, and out of curiosity, I approached one of my teachers in elementary school for an explanation. He explained to me how people originated from different places and spoke in different languages. As they interacted, they could teach each other their languages.
Another interesting and most confusing idea I have encountered in life is how people could really crack their knuckles. I could not comprehend the idea behind it. I saw it more of magic and an abnormal thing happening to a human being. The explanations I got could not quench my curiosity. I later...
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