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Counter Argument Essay

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(December 10, 2011)
Counter Argument Essay
Same-sex marriages are gradually becoming a practice in many states and countries; however in some countries it remains a taboo and mentioning it is a grave sin. In fact some states and countries have legalized the vice while others still hold it as illegal; they argue that marriage is union between a man and woman (Chauncey, 2004). Gay and lesbians civil groups are fighting for their rights supporting the legalizations of the practice. This paper is an argumentative essay on gay and lesbians.
Argument for Gays and Lesbians
Gay and lesbians state that it is a right, and if they are not allowed to marry, then it is a violation of their religious and civil freedom. Gay and lesbians are denied marriage rights because major religions believe that the practice is sin and despicable. The institution of marriage is hence described as secular and religious views should not count in the decision (Robert & Jean 2006).
Gays argue that marriage means more than legality or practice and they should be allowed to enjoy all the benefits such as health, tax filing status, insurance, and ownership of property. Homosexuals argue that the practice is a common lifestyle and trend nowadays and this supports natural causation (Andrew, 2004). The biological processes are seen to support homosexuality when members of same sex have different biological features. For instance, when men are seen to have feminine features and females have masculine features (Robert & Jean 2006).
Gays are seen as a minority group and denying them their rights would amount to discrimination. The law always seeks that the majority to rule but the minority be protected and for this reason gays should be. Gays and lesbians argue that the practice is between two partners and does not involve the rest of the society; this means that it is their affairs to marry and their personal commitment and everyone else should mind their business. They claim that it is the right of the church to disapprove it but not stop it.
Love is the most important factor in any relationship and hence if the gay and lesbians build their relationship on love then they should not fear. They decide to marry as a commitment of their love to each other and dedicate their lives to each other; and thus society should not interfere with their process and happiness (Andrew, 2004). In fact some gay couples decide to use other channels to be together rather than the tiresome legal means of marriage.
The issue of bearing children (procreation) remains a hot debate; gay and lesbians argue that the rate of adoption of children will increase. This will bring happiness to more children without parents as they desire to have a family. The adoption of children is a positive impact in society as more children will have guardians. Financial benef...
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