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ENG 203 Skills Check 3: BUNCHOF10MinutePlays

Essay Instructions:

Please do a NEW skill check (not review the old one) from the film named "BUNCHOF10MinutePlays" and starts story named "JUDGMENT CALL"

Please follow the old one professor suggestion to do the NEW skill check because maybe lost some detail and some require

Please write a NEW skill check with the film t BUNCHOF10MinutePlays

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Xuanchang Zhang Professor: Dresser ENG 203 9 Feb 2018 Skills Check 3 1 The piece is titled Hold for Three and was authored by Sherry Kramer. 2 In the piece, there are three characters Scottie, Ed and Bartey all of whom are probably in their late teens or early 20s. They are seated at beach on the water’s edge when Ed is dared to hold his breath until the moon is fully out, which he does, barely. He is pushed to do this because his other friends are able to and he wants to fit in. 3 The author uses very clear diction in the piece, with the employment of short sentences to make the explanation more desirable to read. There is a lot of imagery as the three characters interact trying to beat the clock to avoid being late. Their voices change in tone depending on their reaction to the situation. Their voices are especially high towards the end as they cheer on Ed to complete the 3-minute count down before the moon is fully visible on the horizon. When this happens, they know they have accomplished their goal. 4 Jake, Mike and John are now bored, they have been playing video games for the last one hour. Jake suggests that they try out the new barbell and weights that Johns dad got him for the holidays. Jake: I bet you I can beat all of in bench presses John: I would not bet on a losing horse Mike: yeah, bet on the winning horse, the stallion! (pats John on the back) John: I beat my all-time high yesterday, 50 and counting (flex his arms) Jake: too bad we were not around, they do not count John: Let me demonstra...
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