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Creative Writing
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Portfolio 3: The Cross-Country Race Of My Life

Essay Instructions:


  • Turn in, typed up, something between 10-15 different exercises (at least 3000 words, but not more than approx. 3200). These should be a combination of in-class and textbook-inspired writing exercises/attempts/drafts. These will not be graded as polished final drafts—in other words, they do not have to form a coherent narrative whole, and I won't be picky about grammar & mechanics.
  • Bring a hard copy to class for peer feedback. Final draft due IN ONE DOCUMENT in D2L/Drop Box.

RATIONALE:    For 20 years, I’ve been doing research on creativity, and it’s clear that if people are going to take risks and be creative, they need some “low stakes” opportunities to do that.  I’m hoping this assignment qualifies. The stakes are lower than the longer portfolios or the final portfolio.  If you look at the criteria, you’ll see that I’m asking you to stretch yourself and try out lots of different possibilities.     

PROCESS: For other portfolios, we’ll be bringing rough drafts and commenting on them. For this first portfolio, you’ll bring at least one example of an exercise to share ahead of the deadline

Essay Sample Content Preview:
PORTFOLIO 3 Name Univerity Course Instructor Date PORTFOLIO 3 Creative Non-fiction Dear Ivan Anaya, December 2012. It was the race of my life. The cross-country race in Burlada, Spain was a humbling experience. As if the world I had never known was embracing me; and, the clear blue skies had fallen beneath my feet. Ah. My feet. Where was my feet running towards again? It felt like forever, as if forever was merely a foot away. And yet, not entirely so. How could it have mattered when I knew it was unthinkable to even want to reach the finish line just as immediately as I had left? The line that had me pumping the adrenaline rush coursing through my veins reminding me that I am alive. That I am indeed alive. And when my fingertips touched the ground, I was tempted to kiss it. But no, because I knew I just had to do that one tilt. And tilt my head up I did. If I had not, I would not have seen you urging me to complete my rightful first place. Do I really deserve it? Well, yes, there were a lot of rumbling in what I could have guessed was Spanish. I swear a couple of those rumblings were frustrations and swears. At first, perhaps, it was because I am a Kenyan running in a race in a Spanish land where of course it is a given its citizens would root for their motherland, for the one carrying the honor to run for his country. And then, you came, naturally, you would, I knew you would. You were one of the best, trained by one of the best – 1994 European marathon champion and the world champion the next year. But then, you were gesturing as if guiding me further. Alas! You were slowing down when you could have pass by me. You were running right behind me. While, yes, you showed perfect politeness and sportsmanship for not taking advantage when I pulled up a little short, it still bothered me. For when I have thought I have finally reached the finished line, there was still 10 meters that needed to be crossed over I completely stopped. Now thinking back, you said you didn’t deserve running over me. You are a runner. I am a runner. Your coach was a runner. We all know victory is the only goal for runner running with their very last breath. It is what we have risked our breaths for in every muscle we build, in every endurance we gain, in every pain we muster to embrace. Your coach scolded you of course but I could have scolded you more. But, you know, the wind felt just right that day. Blowing right by me, us. Biting my skin raw in all its glorified silent scream. It is true that whenever you feel the wind there’s no time to hesitate. Just stand up and run. The wind will act as your compass. Til’ the next time we run side by side, my friend. Regards, Abel Mutai, Kenya Play One: The Deal Cast Rain (Informant) Jack (Hitman/Kidnapper) Blake(Target of Hitman) Synopsis Blake receives a notice from Rain saying the location of his kidnapped sister has been found. However, Rain gets cornered by the kidnapper. He demands to know where Blake is, revealing that his sister was only a bait. Who is the real target then? Setting Inside a warehouse [Jack points a gun at the back of Rain’s head.] Jack: You know why I’m here. Rain: Let me see… to tell you where Blake is, what his plans are to spare my life? Jack: Then you better hurry up and answer. Rain: Why are you after him anyway? Jack: I am only hired to do my work, not to answer questions. Spill! [Jack nudges his head with the gun.] Rain: Look! I’m a professional informant. Name a price and I’ll sell the info. Jack: You ask too much for an informant You should cut the chase or else… [Rain’s phone rings.] Rain: Well…it’s him. [He answers the call on speaker mode.] Blake: Rain! I’m on my way to get my sister. Do you know where he is now? Rain: Yes, I do. I’ll just make a rain check Blake: Thanks man! I owe you one. [Blake hangs up and Rain turns around.] Rain: See? He trusts me. Jack: I don’t trust bees like you. Enough buzzing. Although it may take a while, I’ll be able to find him even if you don’t tell me. Time to shut you up. [Jack is about to pull the trigger when he feels a gun behind his head.] Blake: Let him go. Jack: You’re here. I still have your sister even if you kill me. Blake: She’s safe now. Jack: How were you able to come here so fast unless… Blake: You tracking Rain was to lure you in. Jack: You know why they hired me to kill you? Blake: They led YOU to me. [It dawns on Jack, he was set up.] Play Two: Assumptions Cast Veronika (Bomb survivor) Klein (Boyfriend of Veronika) Synopsis A federal agent has gotten involved in a bomb attack. She has been reportedly missing since then but her boyfriend has done nothing about it and has chosen to start a new life. Setting Months later, inside a cafe [Veronika takes a seat across Klein.] Veronika: You didn’t look for me. [Hearing a familiar voice, Klein abruptly looks up from the newspaper.] Klein: I… [Klein is at a loss for words fully aware of the truth in her words.] Veronika: I would have looked for you but you believed I was already gone when I was only declared Missing. Klein: With that explosion… Veronika: Don’t. You weren’t really prepared of risking a life with me. Klein: You’re saying it like I never wanted a life with you. [Veronika reminisces the times he confided for her comfort but was never there when she needed him.] Veronika: A life you felt safe with. You were protective of me but from the wrong people, the people who would rather protect me from you but chose to protect me from myself. [Klein looks down.] Klein: Don’t you even remember that I wanted you? Veronika: But never needed. Klein: I thought I wasn’t afraid of losing you but I was. [Veronika sighs and turns her head to the side.] Veronika: But, you’re too focused on losing that you forgot you’re supposed to believe you never lost me. That’s the difference, Klein. Wanting is just for existence— the existence of I, needing is for co-existence— the existence of you and I. [Klein looks up at her, fully realizing her presence.] Klein: You still assume a lot. [Veronika looks back to him.] Veronika: That’s my job, remember? Klein: No doubt. [Veronika gives him an exasperated look then smirks sarcastically.] Veronika: And, Klein, anticipate. Not assume. [Veronika stares at him, stands up and confidently walks away from the cafe.] [Klein knows that look very well. Only now, he knows it will be his last time seeing it.] Play Three: The Name of the Strong One Cast John (Former spy) Clementine (Girlfriend of John) Synopsis Now hunted by the Agency he used to work at, John runs across his girlfriend. Despite telling her who he really is, she insists to stay with him. He is torn between bringing her with him and leaving her behind. Setting Hotel Suite [John hangs up the telephone and goes to the kitchen.] John: Clem you’ll need another name for your passport. What do you have in mind? Clementine: Veruska. John (V.O.): I think I heard her say that sometime ago? Clementine: I like how it rolls inside my mouth when I say it. [She turns around.] John (V.O.): Did I stare too hard at her back? [She arcs her brow at him and takes a bite from a slice of what smelled like a pear.] Clementine: You like to stare a lot. John (V.O.): Did she just read my mind? [She laughed.] Clementine: No, I don’t read minds. You should look at yourself in the mirror sometimes. John: Am I that readable to you? Clementine: What do you think? [She takes another bite.] [He knows the answer all too well.] John: But, why Veruska? Clementine: My father’s mother was named Veruska after her father’s mother. He used to tell stories about them and how they survived the wars. I had strong affinity for that name since then. Besides, you already know my perspectives on wars first-hand. [She takes a bite of the pear’s unsliced portion. He is supposed to tell her to continue talking but her lips are now glistening from the pear’s juices. He nods instead.] Clementine: Veruska means strong woman. John (V.O.): Ah. Suits her perfectly. Clementine: Care to look at my eyes now, mister? [She chuckles. He decides.] Play Four: The New Lady Cast Altair (The Mistress of the House of Bourdain) Egbert (Attendant to Altair) Donovan (Sheriff) Philip (Heir to the House of Runnymede) Synopsis The third homici...
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