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British Settlement in Jamestown (1607): Labor Options

Essay Instructions:

First Assignment

When the British established Jamestown in 1607, their first permanent settlement in the New World, they had many options for labor, and no master plan in place for how work would be conducted in the colony. They tried several forms of labor over the rest of the century, some of which seemed to work and others that clearly did not. What options did they try? By the end of the 17th century, what were the primary forms of labor in the English American colonies, and why?

You should plan to write a cohesive, formal essay, 1300 to 1600 words (this is about four to five pages), in which you develop an argument and advance it through making points and using evidence to back them up.

The formatting is the usual – double-spaced, standard margins, normal sized font (11 or 12 point, depending on which you choose) and so on.

Do not use or consult outside sources for this assignment. You should only be referencing class materials – the textbook, the “Early labor” set of documents on Canvas, and whatever we may cover in class. You do not need to use all the documents, but you should use some of them, along with the textbook and lecture material. The best papers tend to blend together a variety of different types of sources, making for a stronger case. You will have all the information you need to write an outstanding essay.

Please refer to the citation guide on Canvas for how to cite your sources. All essays must have citations. Those with none or very few will earn a failing grade. Since you will all be using the same sources, there is no need for a works cited page.

Really, I cannot stress this enough – stay off the Web when writing these. Trying to find answers online is the fast track to an academic integrity case, and if there appears to be evidence of an infraction, which can pretty much only come from looking at things that are not the textbook, lecture notes or primary sources, I will not hesitate to report it.

The first draft is due on Canvas by 5:40 PM on Wednesday, February 2, and it should be a full draft, in the vicinity of 1300 to 1600 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

British Settlement in Jamestown-1607
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British Settlement in Jamestown-1607
This assignment will explore the British' first permanent settlement in the New World, Jamestown, in 1607, the forms of labor options they tried, the primary forms of labor in the English American colonies by the end of the 17th century why they were used.
After the English, through the Virginia Company of London, had set up the settlement of Jamestown in 1607, in the Mayflower, present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, there arrived a group of English religious dissenters referred to as Pilgrims in 1620. Earlier, in 1617, in the Massachusetts bay also had arrived the first fleet of Puritans from England that sought to set up a religious colony, adding to the English settlers, numbering in their thousands, who had already put-up settlements in Virginia, around the Chesapeake Bay. Over the years leading to 1640, their numbers continued to grow in Chesapeake Bay and Massachusetts.
New Netherland, renamed New York, was captured by the English in 1664. The Chesapeake was desolate, disease-infested, and the environment was harsh. John Smith, one of the English leaders, observed that Jamestown then was 'a miserie, a ruine, a death, a hell.' The dwindling supplies and uncultivated fields added to the challenge that the inhabitants of the place, the Indians, were unwilling to labor for the English. Many English men and boys died from hunger and disease. A few remained and survived up to the spring of 1608 when supplies came in from new settlers who had arrived.
1 The Forms of Labor Options
In the succeeding years after 1608, the Virginia Company sought to instill discipline militarily. The first option of labor that the English tried was dividing servants, both the English and the inhabitants, into work gangs. They tried to ensure this system worked by ruthlessly punishing those who did not toe the line. The punishments differed according to the ranks of the servants. For the wealthy, minor infractions were sanctioned by fines, while the poor were punished by branding, whipping, and even cutting off their body parts. More serious infractions of the rules were disciplined by death and mutilation of the body parts before and after the killing. The servants were also divided as per their gender.
The women were assigned household chores and duties like stitching shirts, whereas their male counterparts labored in the fields. Clark et al. (2008) observe that “…The handful of women, such as Ann Leyden and June Wright, stitched shirts and performed other household tasks” P. 39. Inadequacies in the performance of the work assigned to the women were punished by whipping, leading to pregnant women miscarrying. “…And Ann Leyden being then with child, the same night thereof miscarried” (Clark et al., 2008, P. 39). Settlers who wanted to go back to England were unable to do so without permission. When in 1611, the Virginia Company embarked on growing tobacco for its ready market back in England, it realized that it could do a business out of the servants. Tobacco cultivation was favored by the arable Virginia land and the accessibility of the colony by vessels that shipped the produce across the Atlantic.
The rising exports of tobacco meant that the company needed more labor and could easily convince more people to sail to Virginia and explore the trade. This led to the company exploring its second form of labor in which the people offered their labor in exchange for inducements such as land and houses. “Skilled artisans would receive ‘a house and four acres as long as they plied their trade’” (Clark et al., 2008, P. 40). The company gave fifty acres of land to those eager to farm new land and another fifty acres for each individual they ushered into the colony. Clark et al. (2008) point out that “A man willing to cultivate new land could receive fifty acres for himself and another fifty for every person he brought to the colony” Pp. 40-41. At the close of the contracts, indentured servants were given land.
To secure the backing of the settlers who owned land, the company loosened the martial law by allowing the adult freemen to choose representatives to the assembly it had established, the House of Burgesses, to share the administration with the officers of the company. The planters mainly were dispersed along the navigable river around the Chesapeake Bay, some successful ones owning acres in their hundreds. "Planters abused servants with 'intolerable oppression and hard usage'" (Clark et al., 2008, P. 42). As such, the death rates were high, evidenced by the dwindled population of 1,200 in 1625, compared to the over 7,000 migra...
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