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1 pages/≈275 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Covid-19 Vaccination and My Christian Beliefs

Essay Instructions:

Provide a written statement as to the sincerely held religious belief preventing you from receiving the vaccination and answers to the questions below.

1. Please describe the nature of your objection to the COVID-19 vaccination requirement.

2. Would complying with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement substantially burden your religious exercise or conflict with your sincerely held religious beliefs, practices, or observances? If so, please explain how.

3. Please provide any additional information that you think may be helpful. For example:

• How long you have held the religious belief underlying your objection?

• Whether your religious objection is to the use of all vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines, a specific type of COVID-19 vaccine, or some other subset of vaccines.

• Whether you have received vaccines as an adult against any other diseases (such as a flu vaccine or a tetanus vaccine)

Try to stick to a catholic or christian belief and for question 3 you can put what you'd like. (last bullet point for question 3 put yes have received both flu and tetanus vaccine).

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Religious Exemption- Covid-19
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Covid-19 Vaccination and my Christian Beliefs
Word has been spreading fast regarding the don'ts of taking the jab among Christians. I have not taken it as I highly object to the vaccine. First, I believe that Covid-19 signifies the apocalypse. It is indeed a weapon formed against humankind by the devil. Remember, the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I have immense faith that God protects all of us from attacks made against us by the devil. As a demonstration of my faith, I choose to avoid the jab, waiting on God to take away all the suffering in the world today as a result of Covid-19. Christians...
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