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Assignment 1.2: Conflicting Viewpoints Essay - Part II

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this is the second part of the same essay that you write last time, subject was vaping.

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Conflicting Viewpoints 2
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Conflicting Viewpoints 2
E-cigarettes are increasingly becoming common among young people who use them to vape nicotine. Despite their safety, these battery-powered devices are not entirely safe (ProCon.org, 2019). Though they eliminate health risks, especially by helping smokers quit their addictions easily, certain mitigation risks such as lung illness, heart attack, and stroke are associated with e-cigarettes. Other times there are chances of explosion as they are often highly inflammable. Its downside is a continuing attraction of young smokers who indulge in hard drugs (ProCon.org, 2019). Due to these reasons, there is a need to regulate and constrain its use mostly amongst teenagers. This paper examines the reasons why the use of e-cigarettes amongst teenagers needs controlling to avoid grave consequences.
According to McCarthy et al. (2020), vaping is increasingly growing amongst kids, leading to nicotine addiction. Due to their lack of realization of the danger of abusing nicotine, young people experience impaired prefrontal brain development. I selected this reason following the influence nicotine has on the brains of school-going kids. A damaged brain would cause behavioral problems such as failure to follow instructions, distorted social interaction, or less focus on school assignments (ProCon.org, 2019). Excessive use of e-cigarettes would stand in the way of academic performance; hence, it needs to be regulated in good time before it leads to severe addictions. These factors are a clear indication that the usage of e-cigarettes mostly by young people needs regulation.
Regulation is also essential due to the increased severe health risks from vaping. I resorted to this reason due to the growing numbers of vaping-related deaths resulting from lung illnesses. Users of e-cigarettes also risk experiencing stroke and heart diseases; hence the absence of regulation amongst e-cigarette users might cause arterial stiffness and cardiovascular harm (ProCon.org, 2019). The leaking toxic metals from these devices might cause respiratory irritation, kidney diseases, and so on. E-cigarettes would also cause an explosion, leading to losing particular body parts or even death (ProCon.org, 2019). This factor is another reason why unregulated e-cigarettes batteries are not encouraged; they might explode, resulting in serious injuries. Their lithium batteries would easily catch fire, especially when overheated.
The biases I encountered include the claim that e-cigarettes help adults stop smoking and reduce the number of deaths or that most adult smokers who resorted to vaping were likely to quit smoking compared to other smokers. The controversial thing with this is that though traditional cigarettes cause health problems, e-cigarettes are also not entirely safe. The idea that e-cigarettes do not contain the noxious gases in the traditi...
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