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Young People's Use of Earphones as a Risk Factor for Depression

Essay Instructions:

No extension, please complete on time

please read the Assignment Description in the file before starting.

(you should choose a specific illness/disease or specific health behaviour leading to a comorbidity/disease or specific health behaviour leading to a comorbidity/disease.

The issue you choose should be specifically defined. For instance, you may choose children’s obesity and food advertising as a topic but not obesity in general.

And the health problem is constructed and perceived within (Australian) culture, not health science.

You should use at least 10-15 different sources of information.

You may use some concepts in this assignment including The theory of reasoned action, theory of planned

behavior, Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, Health Literacy, Health Policy, etc. )

This is Part 1 of 2 of your semester­long writing project to propose a workable health intervention strategy for a specific public health concern. To begin, everyone will choose a specific illness/disease or specific health behaviour leading to a comorbidity/disease. You will then study it from a communication perspective by immersing yourself in the available information about the health problem, and talking to non­experts about it.

What you, in essence, do in this part is providing the first part of a campaign paper, called the background analysis (more specifically, the problem description and topic analysis (incl. theory involvement if any) and audience identification audience understanding of the health issue). Your research should consequently weigh scientific information against general media information as well as people’s own voices and sources (magazines, TV shows, etc). The goal of the assignment is to understand how the health problem is constructed and perceived within the Australian culture, not in health science. While this is an assignment you submit on its own, it forms the first three “chapters” of your final proposal. We will use class time to discuss these parts of this paper in a general sense (e.g., relevant theories, and so on) and allow for you to relate it to your own project.

Grading Rubrics

Knowledge of issue, research evidence

Analysis/interpretation of sources fits with chosen issue and instructions

Professional and logical flow, appropriate to and connected with topic

Organisation and presentation of essay at adequate level

Follows academic conventions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Young People's Use of Earphones as a Risk Factor for Depression
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The Young people's Use of Earphones as a Risk Factor for Depression
People in society have different habits that change depending on the environment to which one has been exposed. It is always a trend among the youth to use earphones in most cases, causing significant discussions. The use of earphones interrupts the aspect of social interactions, thus, making it hard to use earphones. The increased use of earphones by young people is attributed to various factors, such as the need to avoid interruptions and stay tuned to particular updates depending on their line of interest. This increase in earphone use is due to factors including the increasing popularity of portable music players, smartphones, and the increasing use of social media. Sometimes, young people use earphones to adhere to fashion where there are new technological advancements associated with earphones that they have to try. Hence, it becomes a fashion always to have earphones on; little do they know they have detrimental impacts on their health. According to "Headphones & hearing loss" (2018), there are high chances of young people suffering from depression or tinnitus due to excessive use of earphones. A study by Foundation (2017) showed that youths aged 25 years were more into risky music-listening behaviors using earphones. This risky listening of music meant that earphones increased the risk of damaging the eardrum due to the high volume and closeness of the music. Therefore, excessive usage of earphones creates a significant issue of causing depression since permanent hearing loss increases isolation.
Typically, youth people are known to be social since they have the energy to interact with their peers. So, when one suffers permanent hearing loss, it becomes difficult to cope with the new struggles since they have to learn sign language and even engage in more counseling sessions (Ullian, 2022). It also becomes difficult to interact efficiently with their peers, making them feel uncomfortable and isolated. The struggle to cope with such problems leads to depression. The high tendency to use earphones can be harmful and contribute to depression because they block out external noise and distractions, making it easier for people to focus on their thoughts. When young people use earphones, they are more likely to experience symptoms of depression, such as negative mood, fatigue, and social withdrawal ("OUP accepted manuscript," 2016). They are also more likely to have higher anxiety and stress levels since they become anti-social due to continued concentration on personal issues propagated by the environment created by earphones.
Excessive usage of earphones could be explained as an addictive behavior attracting depression and is defined using the 'vicious cycle' metaphor. This metaphor suggests that earphones can lead to mental health problems, leading to more earphone use and creating a spiral of decline (Twenge, 2019). Here, an individual uses earphones, which contributes to mental instability. Therefore, one develops a tendency of isolation, which contributes to more earphone usage, hence an increase in symptoms of depression. Health professionals often use this metaphor to warn young people about the dangers of excessive earphone use. Another metaphor that is sometimes used to describe the relationship between earphone use and mental health is 'self-medication' (Foundation, 2017). This metaphor suggests that people who use earphones excessively are doing so to cope with underlying mental health problems. It is a particularly negative metaphor, implying that earphone use is a symptom of a more significant issue rather than a harmless pastime. Finally, some people have suggested that earphones can be metaphorically compared to an addiction. According to Welch (2019), because earphone use can become compulsive and difficult to control among young people, there are negative consequences. This metaphor is often used by people trying to raise awareness of the potential dangers of earphone use. Overall, the metaphors used to describe the relationship between earphone use and mental health tend to be negative. It is likely because the evidence suggests that earphone use can harm mental health, particularly in young people. These metaphors can help raise awareness of the issue and encourage people to change their behavior.
Sometimes, high usage of earphones by young people might result in depression due to hearing loss which rewires the brain. The loss of hearing means that the brain should cope with the new changes in receiving auditory signals, which means the brain struggles. Therefore, this change in brain functioning where it has to work harder in processing sounds results in a loss in other brain functions such as memory. Therefore, depression could easily increase since the individual cannot remember some things from the past, making them have low self-esteem. Also, the impaired hearing resulting from excessive usage of earphones by young people might cause depression because a person does not feel comfortable when around others. They can no longer engage in conversations, thus making them feel as if everyone else is talking about them. The worries associated with what could happen next and how to survive till old age with hearing impairment make the person feel discouraged and sinking into depression.
The health belief model (HBM) is a theoretical approach that demonstrates the efficacy of hearing research. The research on the model presents an assessment of factors that influence individuals with hearing loss to seek medical interventions. HBM is a framework that explains the need for medical attention among young individuals with hearing loss. According to Boskey (2008), there are significant components of HBM, which include self-efficacy, cues to action, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, preserved severity, and perceived barriers. Self-efficacy means that a person believes in their ability and actions to promote health as required. Perceived benefits are the advantages that one believes they could enjoy by seeking medical ...
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