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How a Message is Transmitted from Human to Human

Essay Instructions:



Write answers to the questions in essay form.

Essay document should be between 300 and 500 words in length.

Only Microsoft Word .docx file format.

The file name should be your last name and the essay number.

Display your name and University netid above the text at the beginning of the essay.

Use double spacing, 12 pt. Times New Roman font with 1” margins all around

Plagiarism is absolutely NOT allowed. If you plagiarize any part of your essay, you will receive 0 points.

Please review: https://studentcode(dot)illinois(dot)edu/article1/part4/1-402/ ( Links to an external site. )

Essay 1

Explain how a message is transmitted from human to human. Compose your answer in essay form using five paragraphs. In each paragraph, answer the questions asked below.

Paragraph 1

What is the first process the sender engages in? (2pts)

What does the term formulation mean? (2 pts)

How do thought and language differ in this model? (2 pts)

Paragraph 2

What is the second process the sender engages in? (2 pts)

What does the term transmission mean? (2 pts)

What does the term shared means refer to? (2 pts)

How do language and speech differ in this model? (2 pts)

Paragraph 3

What is the first process the receiver engages in? (2 pts)

What does the term reception mean? (2 pts)

What is the difference between reception and hearing in this model? (2 pts)

Paragraph 4

What is the second process the receiver engages in? (2 pts)

What does the term comprehension mean? (2 pts)

How do reception and comprehension differ in this model? (2 pts)

Paragraph 5

What is the third process the receiver engages in? (2 pts)

What does the term feedback mean? (2 pts)

What function does feedback serve? (2 pts)

How do the 3 types of feedback differ from one another? (2pts)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Language Science
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Language Science
How a message is transmitted from human to human
The first process that the sender engages in is the formulation process of communication. Formulation is the incorporation of ideas into words to share with other individuals. In communication formulation, thought and language are incorporated. Thoughts are the ideas that an individual has in mind, while language is how an individual expresses themself.
The second process that the sender engages in communication is the transmission process. Transmission is how a sender glibly expresses views and ideas and shares them with other individuals. In this context, “sharing to” means the ability to pass information from one individual to another. For efficient transmission of a message, language and speech are incorporated. Speech is the sound of spoken language, while language is the words an individual uses to share ideas.
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