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Writing a Process Description and Issues with Emails and Texts

Essay Instructions:

Part A: Email/Text Problems
What are some of the problems that you have experienced when writing or receiving poorly, perhaps hastily, written emails/texts? Describe at least five (5) types of issues.

Part B: Writing a Process Description
Select a specialized process that you understand well and that has several distinct steps. Using the process description discussed in Chapter 19 of your textbook as a model, write a one page description of this process.

Part C: Difficult to Follow Instructions
Find a short set of instructions or some other technical document from work or the Internet that is hard to follow. Replicate or download those instructions at the top of a one-page analysis. Assume that you are the Associate Director of Communications for the company that produced this document and that you are doing a final review before the document is released. Using the “Checklist for Instructions and Procedures” on the following page (also found in Chapter 20 of your textbook), identify what, specifically, makes the document difficult to use, providing a specific reference for each problem area.

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Technical Communication Assignment 8
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Technical Communication Assignment 8
Part A: Email/Text Problems
Emails are an essential part of modern-day business communication, both internal and external. However, I have received several emails that have had various problems. Some of these problems include imperfect spelling and grammar, unnecessarily long sentences and vague information, bad subject lines, and the improper use of 'reply all.'
Imperfect grammar and spelling are the most critical mistakes to avoid yet the most prevalent in some emails or texts I have received. The senders are often in a hurry, avoiding using full words and choosing a short form or a 'streets' rendition. Such communication is okay across informal spaces, such as communication between friends. The problem with grammar and spelling mistakes is that they distort the meaning of sentences and messages, including the tone.
Another problem I have observed is receiving emails I was not supposed to receive in the first place. Some people use the reply to all functions without necessarily checking who is supposed to and who is receiving the communication. Furthermore, I have also observed the problem of unnecessarily long sentences in an email whose message would require just a few words. This often occurs because the sender has what they want to say in their mind but does not have the necessary vocabulary. Thus, they rely on long sentences, making the email tiresome to read and hard to elicit the most critical and actionable information.
The other inherent problem is bad subject lines. In emails, a subject is supposed to give the recipient an idea of what the message is all about. Ideally, this idea must be internalized from a glance, and this is important, especially when an urgent response or action is needed. However, some people use bad subject lines that are not consistent with the information within the email. As a result, people waste time reading emails they should not have read in the first place or fail to decipher meaning before embarking on reading the body of the email.
Lastly, some email senders also make the mistake of having vague requests in the email. This is when the sender cannot identify the key message in the email. Such emails are not concise and lack clarity, making it hard for a recipient to respond appropriately.
Part B: Writing a Process Description (The Customer Journey Map Process)
Deciding on what to consume is a process (Evans, 2018). Marketers and business managers should understand how a consumer arrives at decision-making. This part of the essay is a description of the consumer-decision making process. The five core steps involved include problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase evaluation.
Problem recogn...
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