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The Social Dilemma: Hidden Machinations and Harmful Effects of Social Media Use

Essay Instructions:

Popular Culture and Public Discourse Assignment

We have discussed how the media, advocates, and even the public form our views of public issues. Films are another powerful medium for articulating a point of view.  People may consume films for a variety of purposes, however with the inclusion of a storyline, characters, music, and setting, they often have a profound effect on the viewers.  For this assignment you will view a film that takes a stand on an issue of public discourse and analyze why and how the film may have influenced public discourse on this topic. 

1.     Choose to watch either the film “Black Fish” or “The Social Dilemma” (both available on Netflix and “Black Fish” is also available through the AU library). “Blackfish” is about animal rights and animal protection in the wake of a tragedy at SeaWorld where a trainer was killed by an orca. “The Social Dilemma” is about the intentions and power of social media companies and the way these companies foster addiction in users.

2.     Your introduction should provide a short plot summary (no more than one paragraph) of the film highlighting intent and storyline to explain how the film shapes the topic through its storyline, characters, setting, etc. Be sure to include the name of the film, the year that it was released, the director, and the studio. 

 3.     Next, provide details from the plot that provide illustrations of how the issue is portrayed. For example, you might say, “When a preteen girl smashes the lock box to get to her phone, we see the extent of the addiction to social media.” Please don’t regurgitate the entire plot in fine detail. Choose only examples that highlight your points. 

4.     Then, examine how the filmmaker communicates their point of view through the film to the film’s audience by applying at least of the following two theories we discussed in class to your analysis of this film. The theories you may use for this assignment are: framing, two-step, multi-step, or N step theories, uses and gratifications, and entertainment education. Be sure to use a cited definition of the theories and point to specific examples of those theories in action. Remember though that this analysis shouldn’t focus on how the characters influence each other within the film but rather how the film overall attempts to influence the audience.

5.     Last, in your conclusion discuss the impact of the film. What are critics and other influential people saying about the film and its impact? Have there been any actions taken in response to the film? You should conduct some outside research here to support your points. Was the film effective in educating you about the issue? Do you think it will result in changing your view or behavior in the long run? Why or why not? 

Structural Details

Total Length:  4-5 pages double-spaced Times New Roman 12 point. Please do not exceed 5 pages.

Citations: As you refer to theories or coverage of social issues in the news, please be sure to cite all sources, including the film itself. I expect to see citations both within the text and at the end with a list of all sources used. Please use APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Popular Culture and Public Discourse Assignment
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Popular Culture and Public Discourse Assignment
The Social Dilemma is a documentary film and narrative drama that disrupts the world of social media technology by highlighting the hidden machinations behind social media development and the harmful effects of higher social media use. The film was directed by Jeff Orlowski and produced by Exposure Labs Argent Pictures. It was released on January 26, 2020, at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival and on September 9, 2020, on Netflix (Orlowski et al., 2020). The Social Dilemma demonstrates how by allowing ourselves to be comforted by instant connection with friends and family as well as information at our fingertips, we have resigned ourselves to Machiavellian manipulation by social media and internet giants. Social media networks are coded with algorithms that ensure users are constantly engaged with personalized recommendations and push notifications, all while collecting their personal information and turning them into easy prey for promotion companies and propagandists. The film also highlights the mental health dangers of higher social media use, including higher depression and suicide rates among teenagers and young adults.
In briskly edited interviews, Jeff Orlowski delivers the cautionary statements of men and women who helped build social media to illustrate the threat posed by social media to users’ mental health and democratic institutions. The respondents include social media designers, executives, and engineers who explain the devious free-to-use business model that undergirds social media networks. For instance, Tristan Harris, one of the interviewees in the film and the co-creator of the Center for Humane Technology, articulates the link between persuasive social media technology and manipulation of human behavior. Social media giants capitalize on the human need for connection and convince people to spend more time on their networks by populating their feeds with content that will excite or agitate them (Harvey & Harvey, 2020). The more time people spend on social media, the more their data is collected, and the more social media networks earn from advertisers. This addiction, which is the industry’s business model, has devastating mental health consequences for social media users, particularly among the young generation.
In order to further illustrate the dangers of data mining and manipulative technology in today’s social lives, Orlowski portrays a suburban family suffering the adverse of social-media addiction. The dramatized fictional narrative of a middle-class American family lured into the trappings of evil algorithm triplets illustrates the dangers of social media addiction. Ben, a high school student, is so addicted to his phone that he loses touch with reality and ends up getting seduced by extremist disinformation after learning of his girlfriend’s new relationship on social media. His younger sister, Isla, is so infatuated with Instagram that her insecurities and need for approval are further exacerbated. The mother is upset by her children’s short attention spans and the awkward family gatherings as everyone stays glued to their screens. The two-step flow of communication theory posits that people form opinions from interpersonal interaction and opinion leaders, who are in turn influenced by mass media (Choi, 2014). It explains how ideas flow from mass media to opinion leaders and from these to the common people.
Therefore, the theory examines the ability of mass media, particularly influential opinion leaders, to influence the thinking patterns of their...
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