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BHP Billiton Employee Treatment

Essay Instructions:

1. This is the problem the organization is currently encountering, please describe him! Here's the problem: The media reported cases of bullying or harassment within your organization. Certain groups of employees feel they are not being treated fairly in the organization and have made very public grievances. (about 50 words)
2. Which news proves the problem happened. (summarize the news) (about 75 words)
3. Analyze why the company has such a problem? (Lack of communication within the organization and lack of understanding of Aboriginal culture among employees?) (About 150 words)
4. What negative impact does this issue have on the company? How big is the impact? (about 125 words)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Organization: BHP billiton
Target audience: Aboriginal Australian employees/non-employees, employees from other cultural regions within the organization.
Problems encountered by the organization: There have been cases of bullying or harassment within your organisation reported by the media. Certain groups of employees did not feel that they were treated fairly in the organisation and have filed a very public grievance.
news: https://nit.com.au/mining-giant-taken-to-court-over-allegations-of-racial-abuse/
(need more news and literature about the organization)
Article structure (no need to introduce the organization, just write the following three paragraphs):
1 SWOT analysis: A SWOT analysis of the internal and internal communication modes of the organization is required. (350-400 words, must cite reports, news and articles from the organization and related industry)
All employees have a right to be treated fairly in their workplace. However, BHP Billiton has had a problem with employee treatment, whereby some workers have accused the organization of bullying and harassment. A SWOT analysis of the organization’s internal and external communication modes reveals that the organization has a strong external communication system that presents a positive image before the investors and customers. It provides regular communications from the investor relations to mainstream investment organizations, regular communications from corporate communication group to SRI analysts, and briefing the public on key issues (Sustainability Supplementary Information, 2010). Such actions give the organization a positive image before the external environment. Engaging customers, such as through cultural awareness training efforts, helps them appreciate an organization and hail it as being caring (Parmenter & Trigger, 2018). However, this focus on external communication for BHP Billiton has exposed its weaknesses, which is a poor internal communication system. There is lack of effective corporate communication within the organization (Bourke et al., 2014). The poor communication system means that employees cannot easily get their voices to be heard and hence the high cases of media reports about unfair treatment.
The organization’s threat lies in its bureaucratic style of handling its employees. According to Han (2014), the company is an excellent example of bureaucracy, office politics, a dysfunctional communication, and operational inefficiency. As more employees continue to take their concerns online, more stakeholders begin to be concerned about the future of the entity. For example, maintaining the trend that the white race is superior to the indigenous race, leaves the employees feeling oppressed and unable to get opportunities for professional growth (Fredericks, 2009). The opportunity that the organization has is to use the available digital technologies and explore other inclusion strategies to make its employees feel valued. According to Bourke and Espedido (2019), having inclusive leaders is good for organizations as such leaders ensure that the company appreciates people from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, BHP Billiton has an opportunity of changing its image by training its managers on the art of inclusion at the workplace. When the indigenous group begin to feel included in the company by having their voices heard, the media reports about oppression will reduce.
2 Problem analysis: analyze the problems encountered by the organization and introduce the background of the problem (350-400 words, must cite the relevant reports, news and literature of the company)
Racial abuse especially of the indigenous people is a common practice in Australia. Consequently, many companies have policies that show their appreciation of such groups. BHP Billiton has endeavored to show its respect and appreciation of the indigenous people by having a policy statement asserting its respect for the Indigenous peoples and acknowledging their right to maintain their culture (BHP, 2017). However, the organization has not lived up to its pledge. There have been m...
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