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What Makes a Friendship or Workplace Relationship Good?

Essay Instructions:

Choose two of the following prompts and write 750-1,000 words for each prompt. For each prompt, you will need to choose a different theory or set of concepts to address that come from class readings or lectures/discussions throughout the semester.

If people only knew [communication theory/concept], then they would have enduringly good workplace relationships.

If people only knew [communication theory/concept], then they would have enduringly good romantic relationships

If people only knew [communication theory/concept], then they would have enduringly good friendships.

If people only knew [communication theory/concept], then they would have enduringly good family relationships.

Six scholarly references needed (three for each section).

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What Makes a Friendship or Workplace Relationship Good?
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What Makes a Friendship or Workplace Relationship Good?
Prompt 1
If people only knew communication accommodation theory, then they would have enduringly good workplace relationships. In particular, communication accommodation theory reveals that individuals understand each other better when they adjust their styles of communication with others (Presbitero, 2021). The changes might be in non-verbal or verbal styles as long as the people involved can interact with one another freely. In the workplace, individuals from different religions, races, cultures, skin colors, cultures, ethnicities, and geographical locations come together so that they can meet the established goals of an organization. Companies hire people based on their educational qualifications, skills, talents, and work experience. In that light, regardless of where individuals come from they are expected to join hands with others so that they can provide quality goods and services. Communication accommodation theory applies to both intergroup and interpersonal communication. In the workplace settings, people work in teams and are expected to give the best outcomes. As such, they have to find ways to work together without conflicts arising from their cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, or geographical differences. When employees realize that the most significant thing is to not judge others based on their personalities or traits, but rather focus on achieving their responsibilities, they apply the communication accommodation theory.
The primary benefit of the communication accommodation theory is that it seeks to predict and explain how, when, and why individuals adjust their communication behaviors during interaction with others. In reality, it is difficult to get people whose characters or personalities align, particularly for companies that prioritize academic qualifications and work experience during their recruitment processes. For instance, many organizations have now entered the global market and are searching for potential and highly qualified employees from different parts of the world. Others have started using global virtual teams, where individuals work from distinct geographical locations. The most significant thing for these firms is to meet high levels of interpersonal and intergroup process effectiveness so that group members can undertake their roles efficiently without forgetting to collaborate with their colleagues (Presbitero, 2021). Effective social interaction can be challenging to meet without proper communicative adjustments. In other words, if people in a specific workplace remain rigid and fully focused on what they think or perceive others’ behaviors, it can be difficult for them to meet the set objectives, vision, or mission. That is why the communication accommodation theory emphasizes sacrificing certain things to adjust one’s communication strategies, may it be verbal or non-verbal cues, to ensure that others can comprehend the message delivered correctly.
Enduring good workplace relationships mean that employees in a specific workplace can communicate with each other well by minimizing conflicts among them. These workers understand that they are different from each other, but they suppress their feelings and behaviors that might affect the harmony in the workplace so that they can produce the best outcomes. They are ready to compromise how they feel or their opinions against a specific group of people so that they can maintain good working relationships. Without communication accommodation theory in place, it can be hard for individuals to work alongside disabled or physically challenged people in the workplace (Lindsay et al., 2019). Workplace accommodations for different types of individuals are realized when employees know that the most significant thing is to work together to meet the set goals instead of judging others wrongly based on their physical appearance, race, religion, culture, or ethnicity. Communication accommodation theory helps individuals to relate well to others since they understand their purpose in the workplace. Despite conflicts being inevitable, workers who apply this concept always come up with effective conflict-resolving strategies. They do not allow their feelings or emotions to ruin their social interaction with others since they know everyone’s importance in achieving the set company’s goals and objectives.
Communication accommodation theory fosters enduringly good relationships in a multigenerational workforce. Notably, a multigenerational workforce comprises individuals from different generations, including older and younger people. For instance, currently, many companies are hiring young people for positions that require expertise in information and technology. However, when it comes to human resource managers, recruiting highly experienced people, who in this case are older adults, is the best thing. Since a multigenerational workforce has individuals with differences in beliefs, motives, and values, without the proper application of the communication accommodation theory, it can lead to adverse effects on organizational sustainability (Peralta, 2021). Business owners and organizational leaders should understand that the best way to communicate organizational values and vision is by ensuring that all employees can keep their differences aside to focus on what is vital. When it comes to younger workers, they should know that regardless of their age, they should respect and work together with their colleagues without undermining their capabilities. Communication accommodation theory reminds employees that they should adjust ...
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