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Using Comics to Transmit History and Overcome Historical Past

Essay Instructions:


This assignment gives you an opportunity to synthesize many of the issues discussed in class and in your readings. In conceptualizing your paper, you should try to incorporate the ideas and concepts from the readings, especially Nietzsche, White, and Mizuki to formulate your essay. Papers should be approximately 4 typed pages (double space). Papers will be due February 2 and should be turned into this Canvas site. No late papers will be accepted.


Using Mizuki Shigeru's first two volumes discuss first, how comics are useful in transmitting the historical past (White) or history (Nietzsche) and second, how comics can be used to overcome some of the limitations of the historical past.


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Using Comics to Transmit History and Overcome Historical Past
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Using Comics to Transmit History and Overcome Historical Past
Science is one of the common topics that impact individuals' lives, causing the process of understanding science an important priority for all democratic societies. Nevertheless, factual knowledge and interest in science continue to be minimal among the people. Alternatively, the internet has become the primary source for getting scientific data. Increased internet use results from the spread of online platforms devoted to science, communication, and education that mainly depend on comics, animation, and other storytelling tools to facilitate engagement with the audience. Shigeru Mizuki's novel discusses the chaotic history of Japan during the early 20th century and his childhood during the 1920s and 30s. The author vividly remembers his life during this period as he tragically lost his arm when fighting for the Japanese army. Mizuki covers social, economic, and political situations that led to japan's untying. The author possessed a dry wit and seemed happy when mocking himself in his work.
Several comics are developed by incorporating pictures and text, which serve as guiding principles of textbook artworks. Comics are naturally essential in improving the reader's engagement and facilitating learning. Moreover, comic depends on characters and occasion models that offer the basis for self-reference and emotional attachment that can effectively develop new memories (Farinella, 2018). Furthermore, comics are useful for passing the historical past (white) or history (Nietzsche) as they facilitate the audience's engagement. Usually, comics convey meaning via the audience or reader's active attention with written language and consecutive contrasted images. Therefore, readers or audiences need to make meaning from the interplay of the images and text and fill the gaps between panels. Accordingly, readers can use comics to pass history and history.
On the other hand, using comics during the Mizuki works is essential as it does not intimidate challenged learners with overwhelming pages full of text. The use of comics applies short, and easy-to-understand sentences and visual and text cues such as door slams and character sighs for context. Moreover, using it can assist kids with learning challenges to understand the history and historical past. For example, kids with autism can discover ways to identify emotions through work images. Children with dyslexia who can find it devastating to read one page in a traditional way feel a sense of achievement whenever they are through in a comic book. Therefore, the struggling leader gets the confidence to read the history and help children identify emotions via the novel's images.
Mizuki's novel uses comics that foster engagement when spreading the historical past and history. Normally, processing images and text simultaneously contribute to improved recall and transfer of education. The neurological experiment has purported that people process images and text in different brain regions. The study also shows that pairing images with text can help individuals to retain what they have learned. Mizuki's work uses a lot of text and images, which have enabled readers to read and understand Japan's history and the author's lifestyle. As a result, it is easier for the reader to retain these concepts in their memory for a long time.
Comic work or novels such as Mizuki's novel exploring historical events and life are essential in providing a valuable supplement to other learning regions. For instance, if a kid is learning about the hist...
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