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Walmart’s Omnichannel Tactic

Essay Instructions:

Follow the steps associated with the case study. Chose ONE case study from the two offered:

Case Study #1: Walmart’s Omnichannel Strategy: From Supercenter to Super App • Read the case study in Chapter 4 of the textbook titled “Walmart’s Omnichannel Strategy: From Supercenter to Super App.” Or watch a video in e-textbook. • In < 700 words, write a response essay that addresses the following questions/issues: • Why is Walmart considered an underdog in the e-commerce arena? • What advantages does Walmart have in pursuing its goal to become an omnichannel retailer? • What role did redesigning its website, developing mobile apps, and creating a new design for its physical stores play in Walmart’s omnichannel strategy? • Is Walmart’s strategy working? Use your own words and feel free to express your own thoughts – it is exactly what we are looking for. Most of your time and energy should be devoted to the third and fourth section (bullet points). The facilitators and I are looking to see case write-ups that demonstrate effort and originality -- not some particular “right” answer to the questions. Remember the word limit -- it is included here for a reason. Case Study #2: Programmatic Advertising: Real-Time Marketing • Read the case study in Chapter 6 of the textbook titled “Programmatic Advertising: Real-Time Marketing.” Or watch a video in e-textbook. • In < 700 words, write a response essay that addresses the following questions/issues: • Pay a visit to your favorite portal and count the total ads on the opening page. Count how many of these ads are (a) immediately of interest and relevant to you, (b) sort of interesting or relevant but not now, and (c) not interesting or relevant. Do this 10 times and calculate the percentage of the three kinds of situations. Describe what you find and explain the results using this case. • Advertisers use different kinds of “profiles” in the decision to display ads to customers. Identify the different kinds of profiles described in this case and explain why they are relevant to online display advertising. • How can display ads achieve search-engine-like results? • Do you think instant display ads based on your immediately prior clickstream will be as effective as search engine marketing techniques? Why or why not? Use your own words and feel free to express your own thoughts – it is exactly what we are looking for. Most of your time and energy should be devoted to the last section (bullet point). The facilitators and I are looking to see case write-ups that demonstrate effort and originality -- not some particular “right” answer to the questions. Remember the word limit -- it is included here for a reason.

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AD642 Assignment 3
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AD642 Assignment 3
Part 1: Walmart’s Omnichannel Tactic
The e-commerce arena reflects diverse companies’ ability to exploit online-based strategies to differentiate themselves, personalize their products, and reach a wider market. Although Walmart is strategizing to improve its presence in this area, experts seek it as an underdog because other influential firms, such as Amazon, have already made significant progress in establishing themselves as e-commerce leaders. Their awareness of the intricacies needed to succeed in this space far outmatches those of Walmart, giving them a competitive advantage. Laudon and Traver (2023) confirm this aspect by comparing Amazon’s retail revenues of approximately $355 billion to Walmart’s $60 billion in the e-commerce niche, demonstrating that the former dwarfs the latter. As a result, Walmart’s current efforts to expand itself and increase its competitiveness in the e-commerce niche positions it as an underdog because Amazon disproportionately surpasses the company based on strategy, investment, and experience.
Despite appearing as the weaker player, Walmart enjoys several advantages in gaining an e-commerce presence and becoming an omnichannel retailer. For instance, Laudon and Traver (2023) reveal it is already a globally popular firm due to its dominance in the bricks-and-mortar industry. Such recognition will make it easy to attract customers in other retail spaces. The authors also highlight the advantages of the numerous supercenters, including complementing online-based options. Laudon and Traver (2023) say the company will not grapple with resource shortages when devising ways to venture into other platforms. For instance, it has demonstrated its financial strength while initiating e-commerce projects by buying various Amazon competitors, including Eloquii, Bonobos, Hayneedle, and Jet.com, among many other companies. Such advantages will facilitate its transition into an omnichannel retailing firm.
Diverse strategic moves have been fundamental in catapulting Walmart’s ambitions. For instance, redesigning the website presents the company as a customer-oriented entity due to its attention to detail and consideration of customer preferences. For example, designers improved the usability, presentation, and selection features, making navigating the site easy (Wilson et al., 2019). They incorporated personalized images of high quality with minimal cluttering and flooding with unnecessary marketing links. Using an intelligent algorithm that recognizes the users’ likes and popular products in their region and displays them appropriately has increased the shopping experience. Such features have significantly boosted the firm’s acceptability on new fronts.
Other approaches, such as m...
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