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Policies and Procedures to Have Good Communication with Neighbors

Essay Instructions:

All businesses need to think about being good neighbors. When it comes to cannabis, this is especially true. The illegal status and categorization of being a Schedule One drug means that there is a stigma around the product and services related to cannabis. In this module, you will begin a community plan focused on the area of cannabis you are interested in exploring. For example, if you are an attorney, your focus will be on opening a law practice that caters to helping people with their legal issues related to cannabis from zoning permits, to tax assistance, to licensing, and expunging criminal records due to the legalization. If you are a retailer, you will want to do environmental scanning to understand how and where your business will most likely succeed and may need to consult with the lawyer about nuances in the area you are interested in getting established. This is the third of three parts.


Remember, being a good neighbor means working with the community and resolving issues in a positive and timely manner. Therefore, it is important that individuals know the procedures for communicating their concerns or complaints about the operations of your cannabis business.

In this activity, you will add to your community plan by developing the policies and procedures for addressing concerns. These procedures should include but are not limited to the following:

Informal and formal methods of communications

Channels of interaction

How complaints will be managed

Anonymous complaints

Response time


Internal review



Construct your policies and procedures in a detailed format and add it to the community plan you began working on in module 7.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Neighbor-Final Chapter

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Neighbor-Final Chapter

One of the ways that the business can become a good neighbor to the community is through ensuring that it employs the right communication process. This communication would help the organization address all the complaints and concerns the community would have regarding the business. The organization can employ the following procedures and policies to deal with the problems.

Informal and Formal Methods of Communications

Communication is important for the business since it helps people interchange thoughts and views, which will help the organization's growth. For the organization to have an effective conversation, it should employ formal and informal communication. For formal communication, there will be commands that will have to be followed that it usually designed at the organization’s level. Furthermore, there will not be the use of slang for formal communication, and there will be documentary evidence, making it official communication (Popovych & Márk, 2023). An example of formal communications includes business letters, orders, and reports. On the other hand, informal communication can freely move in

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