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Various Concepts in Interpersonal Communication

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment you will look to apply the concepts within the unit to a specific scenario. The scenario can be anything from a TV show to a movie, or even a music video. Your job here is to tie the concepts from the unit to the scenario. The concepts should accentuate the scene so that the intricacies of interpersonal communication can be better understood. Interpersonal communication can be seen as just "common sense", which in some cases it is. However, I want you all to be able to analyze a scene and understand the nuances of the interaction.

The scene you pick shouldn't be too long, but lengthy enough for there to be a communicative process. In addition, provide the name of the TV show/movie/video and use character names.

First, describe the scene in as much detail as possible. Focus on the communication pathways that you notice. This portion should take between 200-300 words. There should be enough detail to describe the entire scenario without having any prior knowledge to the TV show/movie/video.

Second, use at least 3-4 concepts taken from that specific unit and apply them to the scene. Be very detailed in how you describe and explain the scenario through these 3-4 concepts. It is not enough to just say that the scene has 3-4 concepts and leave it at that. I want to see you wrestling with the concepts. This section should take you the rest of the paper, approx. 700-800 words.

Total word count: 1000 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Concepts of Interpersonal Communication

Concepts of Interpersonal Communication
            Interpersonal communication involves several activities that allow messages to be passed between parties. Through this process, various concepts can be integrated into the communication to enhance or destroy the process, hence the need to know how to use them appropriately. This paper will analyze a scene in the movie Minions: The Rise of Gru to develop and interpret various concepts in interpersonal communication as portrayed in the movie. In the scene, a young Gru struggles to achieve his lifetime dream of becoming a villain known globally for his prowess (Balda, 2022). When an opportunity to join a prestigious group of Villains Known as the ‘Vicious Six’ arises, Gru jumps at it and is invited for an interview at their headquarters to prove his capabilities and skills as a villain.
During the day of the interview, Gru arrives early at the Vicious Six headquarters and goes to the waiting room to await his turn. Gru is the youngest interviewee, confident of passing the tests and joining the famous team to terrorize the world. Once his name is called, he is excited as he steps into the room, hoping to showcase the skills he has practiced and honed over time. The interview room is intimidating, with the interviewers seated up high, overlooking the candidates. Gru casually walks to the front of the room and introduces himself and his motivations for joining the group. However, the interviewers dismiss him because they perceive him as too young to join such a powerful group (Balda, 2022). One of the members, Belle Bottom, is visibly upset at the shortlisting of Gru and reprimands her colleagues for letting him into the interview. More so, she lets Gru know that children like himself do not have the capabilities of performing such duties.
Gru tries to defend himself as he is sent away, but the interviewers cannot consider him since he is too young. He leaves devastated, knowing his dream cannot be achieved at this point. However, as the next candidate shows his capabilities, he perceives an opportunity to steal a precious kept by the vicious six and sees it as the perfect opportunity to showcase his skills (Balda, 2022). Ultimately, Gru runs away with the stone and leaves the group trying to find it by chasing him.
Identified Concepts

  1. i.                    Non-verbal communication

These are cues that do not require the speaking of words to pass a message to another party. In this case, interactions involve various movements involving facial expressions or gestures construed to have certain meanings that can be easily understood. When Gru enters the roo...
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