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Design Features for Campaign Against Distracted Driving

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Overview:

Write a sample of the design features section of your final paper. The assignment should contain the following: (a) title page, (b) body, and (c) reference list. Try to use your work from your Final Paper Background, rather than start all over.


The body of your paper should have the following sections:

Background: Provide a bulleted list of your (a) problem, (b) paper topic importance (i.e., who can use the paper and how), (c) target audience (no more than 1), (d) attitudes (no more than 2) and behavior (no more than 1), and (e) setting (no more than 2).  Do not provide any theory- or research-based justification (although you will have to provide this information in your final paper).  This section merely shows your instructor how your thinking has evolved over time.

Design Features: Identify and justify at least 3 persuasive design features that you will use.  Justify why you have chosen these design features, and also how these design features will work together ethically and cohesively to increase the impact of your campaign. Address how your campaign features work together to create content that reflects integration of diversity and inclusion in a way that is organic for the campaign sponsor. Support your claims with literature when possible.

The reference list should identify at least 5 pieces of literature, which can be primary research, secondary research, or theoretical readings assigned by the course or found on your own.  Try to have at least one for each design feature. Follow APA style.  Your paper should be no more than 5 pages double-spaced (not including the title page and reference list).

Design Features Paper Rubric:

Background Section

Background section specifies the :

(a) problem, sponsor

(b) paper topic importance (i.e., who can use the paper and how),

(c) target audience (no more than 1),

(d) attitudes (no more than 2) and behavior (no more than 1), and

(e) setting/contexts (no more than 2). 8

Design Features Section

Design features section identifies at least 3 persuasive design features, justifying the decisions with theory or research, and presenting how these design features will work together, ethically, to create and impactful campaign; provides campaign features work together to create content that reflects the integration of diversity and inclusion in a way that is organic for the campaign sponsor. 9


Reference list identifies at least 5 pieces of literature identified by the instructor or student. Paper correctly uses APA style. 4


Writing is free of errors in grammar and syntax, is concise, and can be readily understood by readers without their having to re-read. Paper is cohesive and flows well from one section to the next and is limited to 5 pages (not including cover and references pages). 4

Total 25

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Campaign Design Features
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Campaign Design Features
Distracted driving is a significant problem in the United States of America (USA) that should be eliminated. That is why my campaign will focus on how to combat this issue that had contributed to the death of many individuals. Based on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which will be a primary sponsor in my campaign, in 2020, over 3,140 people died from distracted driving (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2022). Some causes of distracted driving include using smartphones, eating, having deep conversations with car occupants, concentrating on music, and driving under the influence of drugs and substances. For example, many young drivers are likely to text or call while behind the steering wheel, which endangers their lives and those of other road users. In that light, people need to know that they can prevent possible road accidents by concentrating while driving and avoiding potential distractors. Besides, if all drivers on the road are keen, highways will become safe for everyone since there would be minimum accidents.
The Importance of the Topic
The topic of distracted driving is crucial. Many individuals including road users, road safety organizations, and educators can use this paper when discussing road safety. For instance, road users will understand and avoid possible driving distractors while on the road. An organization like NHTSA can use the information to sensitize individuals about the dangers of distracted driving (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). Educators can promote awareness of the campaign by informing young people about the adverse effects of driving while using smartphones. In other words, the paper is meant to persuade the target audience to avoid distracted driving to reduce the number of road crashes and loss of lives. Many people engage in things that they do not think can jeopardize their safety on the road. For example, it has become a habit for some young individuals to chat or text while driving. However, this topic reminds such people that engaging in such things increases their likelihood to be involved in road crashes.
Target Audience
My campaign against distracted driving targets individuals between the ages of 17 and 27 years. These people are significantly affected by this problem since they like using technology and multitasking. For instance, it is possible to find a young person driving while conversing with others in the car and texting their virtual friends or taking videos to update their statuses on social media platforms. According to a 2019 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), individuals aged 17 years were 51% likely to text while driving, and those aged 18 years and above were 60% likely to chat while behind the steering wheel (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). That was one of the reasons that contributed to selecting this target audience. The other thing was that many young people are not experienced drivers, which makes them prone to road accidents. As such, sensitizing my target audience through a campaign against distracted driving will help them to avoid behaviors that can cause road crashes.
The two primary attitudes that make my target audience vulnerable to distracted driving are curiosity and false confidence. In particular, young people are curious to try new things without considering the consequences. For instance, some want to be recognized as the best or fast drivers. As such, they might end up engaging in bad driving habits since they want to make a point to their colleagues. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), an individual’s behavior is determined by three cognitive variables, including attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and norms (Gass & Seiter, 2014). Additionally, young people have false confidence that they can do almost everything. For instance, some of them drive while under the influence without recognizing that a minor irrational decision while driving can cost their lives. That is why these young individuals should be taught and reminded regularly about the dangers of distracted driving.
My target audience is likely to engage in behaviors that make these young people prone to distracted driving. Self-perception theory reveals that individuals know their internal states, attitudes, and emotions through inference of their behaviors (Gass & Seiter, 2014). Some young people behave recklessly since they have never faced adverse consequences. For instance, they are likely to text while driving since they think that they are good at multitasking. However, these individuals forget that a second off the road can cost their lives. When well-informed and shown the consequence of specific behaviors, young people can change for ...
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