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Historical and Contextual Research on Twitter's Hacking Incident

Essay Instructions:

You will conduct historical and contextual research appropriate to your selected case (from assignment 1 – See below attached). Questions that should guide your thinking include (1) What is the history of the organization?; (2) What is the issue/situation the organizational rhetor is addressing / trying to influence?; (3) What is the history of this issue for this organization and for others? This paper requires a minimum of five references, which may include research journal, trade journal or popular press articles, commentary, book chapters, congressional testimony, and copies of congressional bills. You write a 4–5 page paper describing the historical and contextual findings that will help you interpret/evaluate the effectiveness and ethicality of your organization’s rhetoric.

In this paper you will conduct historical and contextual research appropriate to the selected case. This paper presents and discusses the rhetorical situation surrounding the artifact(s) you analyzed in paper 1.

Note: if you need to make changes (e.g., change the artifacts or add/eliminate any), please do so and make a note that you did in this paper.

Purpose: to present an analysis of the historical and cultural context surrounding a particular piece or set of organizational rhetoric.

Length: 4-5 pages (12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced with 1 inch margins)

Sources: a minimum of 5 references including journal articles, trade press writings, commentaries, book chapters, personal interview data, Gallup poll data, blogs, etc. It can also include (but must not be limited to) sources from your organization as long as it’s not the specific pieces of rhetoric that you are analyzing, e.g., perhaps info from the organization’s annual report. Cite all sources in text and in a reference page using APA style. Here’s a guide: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

Structure: The intro paragraph should engage the reader with and orient him/her toward the topic and rhetorical situation under study. This includes (1) a brief orientation to the crisis/issue/identity under consideration, (2) a brief statement of the piece(s) of rhetoric with which you are working in the larger project, (3) a purpose statement for the paper, and a (4) preview of how the body of the paper is organized.

The body paragraphs should then clearly, explicitly, and in order address the following 3 sections. They represent each of the 3 parts Hoffman and Ford offer in chapter 2 for describing a rhetorical situation. Before starting this paper, re-read pp. 62-71. The fourth section is my own addition, and a necessary part of a full rhetorical analysis.

  1. Exigencies

What elements (challenges, imperfections, and opportunities) of the situation have created the need for the organization to create the rhetoric you are studying? How urgent and anticipated are these elements?

  1. Audiences

What types of audiences (enabling, functional, normative, diffused) seem to be the most relevant to the situation and appropriate for the organization to address? What are the characteristics and interests of these audiences?  What is their attitude toward the organization/issue?

  1. Constraints and Assets

What things might make it more difficult or easier for the organization to address the exigencies? Are there pre-existing beliefs, attitudes, or values, or past rhetoric, or experiences that will affect how the message is received by the audiences? Does the audience’s attitude toward the organization or exigence impact how the message will be received?

  1. **Actual Impact of the Rhetoric (what happened AFTER the rhetoric was made public)

What, if any, impact has the rhetoric had on the issue/crisis/organization an audiences? Look into relevant financial performances (stock prices), hirings/firings, popularity poll data, ratings, letters to the editor, new media editorials on the topic, reviews, what legislation was put in motion or passed. Sometimes you will decide the rhetoric had no impact. In that case, discuss where you looked for but did not find anyone talking about the organization’s message/stance.

In general your research focus includes: history of the issue or crisis; relevant history of the organization, rhetor(s), and audiences.

The conclusion paragraph(s) should summarize the findings and tentatively suggest theories that might be helpful in analyzing the rhetoric itself (e.g., legitimation theory) and/or things that your contextual research leads you to think should be carefully considered in your final, full analysis (analysis # 3). 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Analysis 2
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Case Analysis 2
In July 2020, Twitter had a security breach incident where hackers gained control of several accounts. The hackers used some of the accounts to scam the public. Shortly after the incident, Twitter shared a message on its webpage informing its customers about the incident and what it was doing to resolve it (Twitter, 2020). This paper's primary goal is to provide contextual and historical findings on Twitter's rhetoric following the 2020 hacking incident. This goal will be achieved by exploring the rhetoric's exigencies, audiences, constraints, and actual impact.
Twitter’s situation can be described as both unanticipated and potentially negative exigencies. According to Hoffman and Ford (2010), unanticipated exigencies happen suddenly and can affect the organization's ability to meet its customers' needs because they are unexpected. The organization was caught by surprise and could not function effectively because it was unprepared for the incident. Twitter was not expecting a security breach from hackers when the event occurred. They had not foreseen that hackers could manipulate employees through social engineering and eventually gain access to several high-profile users’ accounts (Twitter, 2020). If they had foreseen such an event, they would have mitigated the situation before so many accounts were hacked. In addition, the hack left Twitter incapable of delivering services to its customers. The situation required urgent attention to resume Twitter's normal oopeartionsMany Twitter users could not tweet (Twitter, 2020), and tweets are the product Twitter offers its clients.
In addition, the situation was potentially damaging for the organization. According to Hoffman and Ford (2010), potentially negative exigencies have a bad effect on the organization. They influence the feelings or thoughts of the audience, causing them to behave negatively toward the organization. The hack compromised many users' accounts, including many prominent people in society, and this threatened Twitter's reputation (Holmes, 2020). Such hacks give unauthorized people access to users' personal information. If users cannot trust Twitter to protect that information, they cannot perceive it positively. The hack made Twitter look bad, incapable of protecting users' information. In fact, as a result of the hack, the audience's perception was negatively influenced, which affected Twitter's market value. Holmes (2020) indicates that Twitter's shares fell by 4% after the hack, depreciating its market value. This reflects the audience’s perception of Twitter.
The most relevant audiences to the situation are the functional audiences. According to Hoffman and Ford (2010), functional audiences enable the organization to stay operational daily. They include customers, employees, and suppliers. In Twitter's case, customers were the most relevant functional audiences because they were the most affected by the security breach. They need to know that Twitter was aware of the breach and was taking the appropriate measures to address the issue. Twitter addressed them through the webpage to assure them they were working to resolve the issue and ensure it does not happen again. At a time when information is powerful and valuable, Twitter customers want to know that their private information is protected. One of the characteristics of Twitter customers is that they value privacy. According to Friedersdorf (2022), Twitter users/customers want their personally identifiable information protected. This includes protection from doxxing and other malicious activities, such as hackers' unauthorized access to their information. However, their attitude towards Twitter at the time of the hack was negative.
Another group of relevant audiences is diffused audiences. Diffused audiences have an interest and influence, although they are a bit removed from the organization (Hoffman & Ford, 2010). They include voters, interest groups, and the community. Twitter's interest groups in this category are voters and interest groups concerned with free elections. Since most of the groups are also Twitter users, they have the same characteristics as Twitter customers, in addition to their engagement in political activity. Twitter's message was also directed to this audience, albeit indirectly. The interest of this audience is to have a free and fair election without interference. However, the hack revealed that Twitter could be used to interfere with elections, primarily because, in the past, social media has been used successfully for the same purpose (New York State Department of Financial Services, 2020). This group has a negative attitude towards Twitter and believes that without the appropriate cybersecurity mea...
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