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1 pages/≈275 words
Communications & Media
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Essay Instructions:
Please respond to the discussion prompt below. Your initial post should be in the 100- to 150-word range and be supported by evidence from course or outside materials. Respond to at least two of your colleagues with meaningful comments. Responses should incorporate course concepts. Your responses should be in the 75- to 100-word range. Refer to the discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the discussion. Professional Use of Social Media Social media has great potential for communicating a professional online presence. Organizations also use social media for marketing, promotion of corporate social responsibility, and communication to all stakeholders. In this discussion, you will present your ideas on this topic as it relates to communicating your online presence as well as research ways organizations use social media for communicating a professional image. For this discussion, response to the following questions with examples and references to support your opinion: In your opinion, what is professional use of social media? What are some ways to communicate professionally through social media? Research an organization's use of social media for promoting a professional online presence. Describe ways the organization uses social media in a professional context. Focus on ways you can use social media to promote a professional online presence as well as ways an organization in your specific field uses social media to promote the organization. Share the results of your research and identify professional use of social media. READING AND RESOURCES: Read Chapters 1 and 2 from this etext available from the PG Library. Bennet, A. (2014). Social media: Global perspectives, applications and benefits and dangers. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com(dot)libauth(dot)purdueglobal(dot)edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=940565&site=eds-live Learn about ways social media can influence your professional presence. Rock, E. (n.d.). Staying professional on social media. AICPA. https://www(dot)aicpa(dot)org/interestareas/youngcpanetwork/resources/career/staying-professional-on-social-media.html Learn about how social media can communicate a professional identity. O’Regan, A., Smithson, W. H., & Spain, E. (2018). Social media and professional identity: Pitfalls and potential. Medical Teacher, 40(2), 112–116. https://libauth(dot)purdueglobal(dot)edu/login?url=https://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mdl&AN=29172814&site=eds-live
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discussion: Professional Use of Social Media Professional use of social media entails the use of social media platforms to engage and communicate with clients, develop professional networks, and advance the goals of one’s organization. For one to communicate professionally through social media, they have to use clear language devoid of spelling and grammar mistakes and keep comments professional and positive (Rock, n.d). It is also important to follow the organization’s guidelines regarding social media use (O’Regan et al., 2018). John Hopkins Hos...
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