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Transistors are Part of the Novel Technology

Essay Instructions:

Research and watch two (2) different presenters from TED Talks (www(dot)ted(dot)com) to answer the question, “What makes a presentation effective, creative, captivating, and/or inspiring?” You can choose any TED Talk you want, paying special attention to how the message is crafted and communicated.

The prompts below will serve as the basis for your assignment outlined in Step 2. Take notes while you watch. Focus on the speaker’s public-speaking skills, as well as the actual presentation materials (slide design, props, visuals, etc.).

Why was this presentation powerful or moving?

Why did you like this presentation? Was it the content alone, or was it how the speaker delivered the content?

What made the content appealing? What made it relatable?

How did the speaker draw you in to care about the subject/topic?

What did you get out of the presentation that you would not have experienced reading an article about the topic?

What kinds of emotions did the presenter elicit? How did they do this?

Now that you have analyzed each TED Talk, let's move to Step 2 of the assignment

Create a document for this assignment and include supporting images (at least one per TED Talk). Using the questions outlined in Step 1 as a guide, type your analysis of each of the TED Talks you watched. Each analysis should include specific examples, explain what worked and what did not.

Free-Use Photo Resources:

Unsplash Photo Library

Pexels Photo Library

Pixabay Photo Library

Conclude your assignment with one detailed comprehensive list of ten (10) qualities, techniques, and/or skills that made the presentations you watched inspiring, captivating, creative, and effective (from your own perspective).

Provide specific examples from the presentations to support your claim and explain why these elements contributed to a powerful presentation. How are these similar or different from what you have read? Consider the practices that were common among the speakers in all of the videos you watched.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Transistors are Part of the Novel Technology
Anyone can discuss a concept or theory, but in my opinion, what engages an audience is the capacity to make them feel influenced and a part of something they were not before, to elicit enthusiasm and a sense of inclusion. I looked at three TED speeches to help clarify the issue and provided reasons why they may or might not have the desired impact on the listening audiences.
I started by watching a presentation by German technology pioneer Karl Skjonnemand, who is driven to find answers to issues with current technology that arise in daily life. His discussion on "self-assembling computer chips" caught my attention. I watched his talk after being drawn in by the TED Talk's title alone. At first, he spoke about how far computer technology has gone, giving examples like how, in the 1960s, computers took up a whole room, but now we can wear them on our wrists and carry them in our hands. As most of us carry smartphones, it instantly made it relevant for me. He continued by talking about how we are continually making electronics smaller but that this process is taking longer than it used to. How the cost of the machinery used to produce smaller gadgets is rising quickly and how businesses acknowledge the danger of producing ever-smaller devices. I was instantly interested in this since I like technology. He gave instances like how cellphones are updated more often today and how a gadget I purchased a year ago quickly becomes outdated. The hardware becomes obsolete because it can no longer run the program, and purchasing new hardware is the only option. This is undoubtedly the case with my phones, and because I am not a wealthy guy, I find it frustrating that I can not afford to buy all these new cellphones every year. This illustrates how facts themselves may fall short and how he aroused emotion by using related situations.
Although complicated, the potential answer was presented in a way that was easy to understand. Transistors are part of the novel technology they showcase as self-assembling computer chips. The essential component of computer chips, transistors, is responsible for processing all the data in our gadgets. No transistor, no computer. He used the width of a human hair as a measure of scale; I never had an idea that human hair is around the size of 12 red blood cells, so I found that information to be intriguing. But what truly amazed me was that we can produce 250 transistors in a space the size of a human blood cell. A human hair is about the same width as 3,000 transistors. We have gone from having a computer that used to be the size of a room to have the computing capability that can fit inside of a human blood cell in the form of 250 transistors, which is not enough anymore! I was interested in learning more at this point. I was alarmed by how quickly our technology is developing and want to know what our future holds.
Using the same natural self-assembling abilities, they produce transistors. Instead of doing it with machines that project transistors onto silicon, they now accomplish it using chemistry at the cellular level. In essence, they are giving computers a biological component; transistors can organize themselves chemically rather than having a computer do it for them astounded me. The way he demonstrated how they achieved this using bungee cords and load bearings from rock climbing made the information and delivery entertaining. He demonstrated how two goo...
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