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Assignment One: Traditional Marriage in Nigeria Yoruba

Essay Instructions:

Assignment One: Topic and Research

DUE: Friday, September 28, 11:59 p.m. VALUE: 5 points extra credit


• In 3-4 sentences, explain why your chosen topic would both interest and inform your audience. This statement could be used as your “motivation” statement in the speech’s introduction.

• Also include your initial reference list: sources you plan to cite in your speech.

Use any reference style: MLA, APA, Chicago. Minimum: 4 sources

• See Chapter 10, Table 3, on page 230 for citation examples.

Assignment Two: Draft Outline

DUE: Friday, October 19, 11:59 p.m. VALUE: 5 points extra credit


• Send a full sentence outline for feedback. The more details you provide in this outline, the better feedback you will receive.

• See Chapter 9, Figure 1, on page 207 for a sample outline

• Please do not turn in your speech in manuscript form, as illustrated on pages 208-209.

• So that your instructor can help you prepare, please label the following parts of your outline and bold each label:

• All 4 parts of your introduction (attention getter, motivation, thesis, preview)

• Each transition within the body of the speech

• All source citations (as you would cite them orally in the speech)

• Each piece of supporting material (example, statistic, analogy, quotation)

• Both parts of the conclusion

kindly use the same topic .


General purpose:

Purpose statement:


I. Attention getter:

II. Definition:

III. Personal Credibility:

IV. Thesis:

V. Preview:

[Transition: ]


I. (main idea #1)

A. (supports #1) [CITE]

B. (supports #2) [CITE]

C. (supports #3) [CITE]

[Transition: ]

II. (main idea #2)

A. (supports #1) [CITE]

B. (supports #2) [CITE]

C. (supports #3) [CITE]

[Transition: ]

III. (main idea #3)

A. (supports #1) [CITE]

B. (supports #2) [CITE]

C. (supports #3) [CITE]

[Transition: ]

IV. (main idea #4)

A. (supports #1) [CITE]

B. (supports #2) [CITE]

C. (supports #3) [CITE]

[Transition: ]


I. Review of main points:

II. Final remarks:


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of Traditional Marriage in Nigeria’s Yoruba Tribe
Student’s Name
Nigeria has two hundred and fifty ethnic groups and can be easily referred to as a highly cultural rich country with numerous ethnic backgrounds and culturally resplendent practices. Marriage is a vital institution in the Yoruba culture and history. The Yoruba tribe is one of the here significant tribes in Nigeria (Falola, & Akinyemi, 2016). Their wedding ceremony typically is filled with color and highly meticulous.
Purpose statement
Due to significant exposure to western culture, most Yoruba individuals integrate modern customs into their traditional marriage ceremonies. Such events are occasions that alleviate most people from Yoruba from the drudgery of ordinary life and are significantly anticipated by friends and well-wishers. The paper will indicate various elements of a traditional Yoruba wedding ceremony.
Elements of a Traditional Yoruba Wedding
The Yoruba traditional marriage comprises of the introduction and the engagement stages.
The Introductory stage
During the introduction stage, the groom’s family formally introduces themselves to the family. They then make their intentions clear by asking the bride’s family of their daughter’s hand in marriage to their son (Efagene, 2014). This is generally conducted through the appointed speaker for the family of the groom known as Olopa Iduor. The designated speaker for the family of the bride is known as the Olopa Ijoko.
Once this has been achieved, the ceremony is then held at the home of the bride as they are accountable for all costs and preparatio...
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