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2 pages/≈550 words
Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
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Create your own personal definition of communication.

Essay Instructions:

Create your own personal definition of communication. Explain why you believe your definition is functional and how it is or is not compatible with a biblical worldview. You are required to justify and support your position. This assignment should be at least 500 words and follow APA style

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication is the most common everyday activity and is an essential aspect of human life. It is the basis for all human contact. It is a highly complex human phenomenon which reflects who people are and what they do. Through communication, people share ideas, feelings, suggestions, feedback, and thoughts among others. Communication is, therefore, the process in which two or more parties interchange information and mutual understanding between themselves; and it is at its best when there is a discussion involved allowing the receiver to ask questions and receive answers to clarify the message.
Every instance of communication involves the transmission of a message to the receiver by the sender. The message may vary in its form from words in a particular language to signs and gestures all of which the receiver must understand. The level of understanding between the parties involved determines the results of communication. When the receiver has the chance to ask questions or clarify his doubts, then communication is very effective.
The receiver determines the end process of communication. The receiver may keep arguing on particular issues with the sender if not satisfied with the message. Arguments are two way, they may lead to effective communication or ineffective communication. Therefore, the sender must communicate the message in a way that gives the receiver enough time to understand it and give feedback where applicable.
The process of communication consists of five elements which can make it easier and systematic: source, message, channel, receiver and effect (Trenholm, 2017). The source is the sender who wants to communicate. The sender must create the message depending on the receiver. The channel conveys the message, and the choice depends on the distance between the sender and the receiver. Electronic means is the most effective for long distance and consumes less time. Technology is essential in ensuring effective communication in the modern world. Effect refers to the reaction of the receiver to the message once r...
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