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Communications & Media
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Informative Memo Wells Fargo Employees

Essay Instructions:

This is a largely self-defined assignment.

You are to identify a company in the news that is facing a business issue or problem that is of interest to you. You will then use the PACE analysis tool to identify three communication needs around that topic. While you are acting as an outside consultant for this project, you have been asked to provide the first two deliverables as memos.

You must share an informative memo with all employees of the company regarding the issue in question and why it is a concern for the company.

You must develop a persuasive memo to be sent to senior management with your recommendation to help address the situation. That memo should include some quantifiable data as well as your qualitative insights.

You are to write a bad news letter to an external stakeholder group regarding the topic. This will eventually be custom addressed through mail merge and should be formatted for that purpose (see the StyleGuide for instructions). You will not have official letterhead to use for this so simply format a temporary letterhead using the company name, headquarters address and main telephone number.

This is designed to be a portfolio piece so you will likely find it easier to succeed if you work on a project where both the company and the issue are of interest and/or concern to you. Make sure you choose a company and issue significant enough to provide sufficient rigor in your consulting.

To help you succeed on this project, here are some things to think about. Several times during the semester, you may hear this: Writing is easy; editing is hard. For that reason, it is recommended that you begin working on the research and outlining of your portfolio early in the term. Then, as you have time, you can begin drafting the material. As you get feedback on the informative, persuasive and bad news activities and samples created in class, you will be able to use those insights to finalize and perfect your portfolio in a rolling fashion rather than having it all back up near the due date.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

TO: Wells Fargo Employees
SUBJECT: Wells Fargo and communication needs to employees on mortgage errors and workplace culture
In the past two years, Wells Fargo fraud scandal involving two million false accounts, without the permission of customers, and issuing unsolicited credit cards, and now there is mortgage errors that led to hundreds of foreclosures. Without the top management taking more responsibility for the damage and there needs to be more credible measures taken and how the bank has managed crisis communication the criticisms and management behavior. The communication needs are restoring trust, ensuring there is confidence ...
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