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Essay Instructions:
Write a 750-1000-words essay. Compare and contrast the different aspects you learned about the structural elements Bratton described. How this structure relates to Noble’s argument about accessibility and oppression in networked society. Use at least 2 quotes from the readings to support your argument.
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Comparing Structural Elements and Networked Society in Bratton and Noble's Works
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Comparing Structural Elements and Networked Society in Bratton and Noble's Works
Exploring the structural elements described by Benjamin H. Bratton's work and Safiya Umoja Noble's argument about accessibility and oppression is key to uncovering a nuanced comprehension of how technological architectures are shaped and molded by societal forces. Even though Bratton offers a comprehensive examination of the multilayered structure of universal computation, Noble delves into the discriminatory practices embedded in such structures. This essay compares their perspectives to advance the understanding of the complex interrelationship between technological structures and societal justice.
The Stack: A Structural Overview
"The Stack" offers a comprehensive structure for comprehending global multiplication as a sequence of interconnected layers. He suggests a six-layer model comprising the Earth, Cloud, City, Address, User, and Interface. Every layer interrelates with each other to formulate a multifaceted system that directs the digital and physical world. Bratton’s examination underscores how such layers jointly function to create a new kind of political geography and leadership (Bratton, 2016). For example, Bratton asserts that "The Stack, as a particular megastructure, emerges from this history of systems conceived in relation to computation, and computation in relation to systems” (p. 55). It has inherited some of its confines, determinations, achievements, and blind spots and has progressed beyond others. Such characterization highlights the unintentional yet pervasive nature of this system. Every layer of The Stack contributes to the general function of the system, demonstrating a comprehensive structure where each element is interdependent.
Noble's Critique of Technological Structures
On the other hand, Noble stresses the societal effect of this technological construction, basically through the lens of race and gender. In her work, Noble explores how search engines, as a component of the larger digital infrastructure, strengthen prevailing social hierarchies (Noble, 2018). Noble contends tha...
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