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Internet Technology, Marketing, and Security

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 4: Internet Technology, Marketing, and Security Most major corporations, as well as government agencies, have an online presence for organizational and product information, marketing, sales, communication, and customer loyalty. Balancing effective marketing, sales, and communication with security is a major challenge. An organization's Web site also has a privacy/security policy and uses programs tools designed to protect those who visit the site and put in their information. However, numerous accounts of minor to serious security breaches are reported each year. Select a major corporation that markets and sells through its Web site and which has experienced a security breach in the past three years. Write a 5-6 page paper in which you: 1.Describe and evaluate a major corporation's Website in these four areas: (1) product information, (2) corporation's contact information, (3) customization of products for customers, and (4) customer information at purchase. 2.Describe and evaluate three (3) of the corporation's Internet marketing strategies and the competitive advantages its Website provides. 3.Analyze and evaluate the corporation's privacy / security policy and the corporation's response to the security breach. 4.Recommend and provide rationale for two (2) methods and/or tools to ensure greater security for customers. 5.Use a minimum of three (3) quality external resources from the last three (3) years to support the content of the paper. (Note: Do not use Wiki sites.) Your assignment must: -Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. -Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: -Apply the core marketing concepts and marketing orientation to develop viable marketing strategies that fit a variety of market environments, domestic and international. -Analyze information technology applications and the application of decision support systems to gain a competitive advantage and more effectively control operations. -Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary business. -Write clearly and concisely about contemporary business using proper writing mechanics
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Internet Technology, Marketing and Security
[Course Title]
[Instructor Name]
Internet Technology, Marketing and Security
Organizations with online presence are continuously faced by the issue of security breaches. Specifically, organizations that provide online shopping services are the targets of intruders because they hold sensitive customer information such as credit card data. One such security breach was faced by Zappos.com which is an online apparel and shoe shop based in Henderson, Nevada.
Evaluation of the Website
The website of the store is designed in a user friendly manner. It provides comprehensive product information. The products are presented in accordance with their type. In this way, information regarding each product is easily accessible by the user. A user does not need to search the keywords in order to reach his or her desired product as the product information can be navigated very easily. The product information provided on the website includes the price and other features of the product. The information provided helps the customers decide whether to make the purchase.
The website also provides detailed contact information through a "contact us" page. The contact information has been provided in a user friendly manner. The website provides the user a sense of congeniality and it can be inferred from the phrase "We`re here to help you!" on the contact information page of the organization. According to the website, the users can contact the store in three easy way that are; calling the Zappos Customer Loyalty Team, via email, and through connecting with live help (Zappos.com).
The customization of the products has also been done in a way that increases the convenience of the customers. The products are differentiated as; women`s shoes, men`s shoes, women`s clothing etc. The products are distinguished in such a manner that the user may reach the desired product easily in a few clicks. The customization helps the customers to access the required product information conveniently without conducting any specific search or doing unnecessary navigation of the website.
The customer information that is required by the website at the time of purchase is the username and password of the customer. The customer information is maintained through an account on the website and for any purchase, a customer needs to login to his or her account. The account holds the basic information of the customers and the details regarding the previous or pending purchases. The customer is also required to specify the method of payment in order to proceed with the transaction.
Internet Marketing Strategies and Competitive Advantage
Internet marketing strategies have become essential for each and every organization. Specifically those organizations that operate online businesses ensure that their online presence is widened through internet marketing strategies. Following are the internet marketing strategies implemented by Zappos.com and the competitive advantage provided by its website.
Search Engine Optimization
The organization has designed its website in such a manner that all the major search engines return its website as one of the top results whenever relevant keywords are searched. Search optimization techniques are highly important for any organization to ensure high web traffic. Search engines have become the only portal used by users to reach their desired websites and search optimization helps the organization in attracting the relevant users.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing has gained momentum in the recent past and this is because of the rapidly rising number of the users on the social networking websites. Zappos has ensured that its internet presence include optimum use of social networks. The efficiency of its social media marketing can be inferred from the congenial Facebook page maintained by the organization that welcomes the users with the line, "Let`s be in a Like-Like relationship." This line shows that the organization intends to have a solid relationship with its fans. There are a number of other customized features on the Zappos Facebook page.
Affiliate Marketing
Zappos also makes of affiliate marketing in order to attract maximum web traffic t...
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