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Strengths Report: Self Reflection, Leveraging Strengths, and Dark Side

Essay Instructions:

For your midterm paper, write a report based on your strengths report that has these three sections. To receive full credit, be sure to answer all parts of each question. Turn in your paper and PDF file of your report on Canvas.

Length: Your paper should be about 1000-1500 words, which is about 4-5 double-spaced pages.

Formatting: Use 12-point Times New Roman font, apply 1-inch margins all around, and number all pages in the top right.

The midterm paper is due at midnight on November 4.

Part I Self-Reflection. In what ways was your report surprising to you? Before you completed the report, what would you have said was your greatest strength - is this similar to or different from those described in the report? Is there one or more strength that you did not expect to see used to describe you? Now think about your top strength. Provide a short vignette describing a workplace interaction that you have experienced where this particular strength would have been visible to someone observing this interaction. (5 points)

Part II Leveraging Strengths. Imagine if everyone read your strengths report before they met you! They would quickly see your value and want to work with you. Our strengths are what we bring to the team. Think about specific roles that you can take on teams. What roles will you be especially good at? What are some of the ways these strengths will help you as you lead collaboratively in organizations? In class we have talked about three aspects of collaborative leadership, each of which focuses on one aspect needed to build winning teams: team affect (motivation), team cognition (shared understanding), and team integration processes (communication). How do your strengths relate to each of these aspects of collaboration? Where are you a natural leader? (4 points)

Part III Dark Side. Strengths can also become limitations, and some very interesting research on “high potentials” shows these strengths can have a dark side. Those with strong relationship strengths can find it difficult to cope with conflict or deliver unwelcome news. Those with strong execution strengths can be saddled with administrative work. Think about the dark side of your strengths, this is not to say that strengths always have one, but there are more often than not negative situations in life that result from strengths. Develop a list of 2 to 3 potential leadership derailers that could result from these strengths. I suggest starting with a much longer list, and having derailers related to all. Explain each one, and how and when it could be a derailer for you. This analysis is perhaps one of the most critical aspects of the paper. (4 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communications and Media
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Communications and Media
Part I Self-Reflection
In reviewing the strength report, it was surprising to see a high score on traits like adaptability. I believe adaptability is one of the most essential skills that a person can have in the current dynamic global environment. Having skills to adapt to me implies that I am open and ready to learn new things while embracing challenges. I have realized that things are constantly changing with each passing day, especially from a technological and ideological point of view. What used to be applied and practiced like a decade ago is either improved or completely changed.
New ideas have come by, and people have, in turn, taken up these ideas as well. It would also be right that one becomes flexible enough to adjust to the new developments in society. Therefore, showing adaptability means I have learned how to embrace these new ideas with proper consideration of them. It also means that I have developed smooth communication and interpersonal abilities. Before completing the assessment, I would have said peacemaking is my greatest strength, similar to connectedness or positivity, as revealed in the report. I consider myself humble, slow to anger, and occasionally mediate in people's difficult situations.
I tend to have a lot of patience, which explains why I will always be quick to listen but slow to react. I always articulate everything first, considering the issues brought forward before going ahead to pick the most positive and constructive option. I learned through experiences that most conflicts often arise from quick reactions to anger. People at the workplace, classroom, or whatever social setup will always get into conflicts because they simply refuse to listen to the other side of the story and instead decide to react to their emotions.
One strength not expected in the personal description is competition. I know that most people today would have this as their most evident strength because of how society is sculptured, but I didn't see it in myself. Being competitive has disadvantages, including being labeled too picky, self-absorbed, passive-aggressive, and not flexible. I find that untrue because, for a person with an arranger trait, one has to be flexible in conflicts, partner with everyone, multitasker, and be highly organized. Perhaps my competitiveness occurs in the few occasions I have to be to survive or get something done.
My top strength is adaptability. It has proven evident in many instances, such as the workplace. In a workplace scenario where my top strength of adaptability would have been more visible to observers is during a recent health crisis. The current pandemic impacted our organizational roles, work procedures, and policies had to change immediately to the situation. The drastic measures included taking pay cuts, working from home and at more unusual hours compared to the normal, official working hours, being in total isolation from other colleagues, and having to find a way of getting it all done alone.
I know all these were measures for most workplaces during the pandemic year, only that some employees embraced it better and faster than ...
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