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Conflict Management and What Causes Conflict with Others

Essay Instructions:


What is your conflict management style?

What causes conflict between you and others in the workplace?

What causes conflict between you and others in your personal life?

How do you manage conflict coming from a subordinate or some one above you in the workplace?

Have you ever had to mediate conflict between others in the workplace? What happened/what was the result?

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Conflict Management
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Conflict Management
What is your conflict management style?
My conflict management style is the collaborative style. In this collaborative style of conflict management, I create solutions that satisfy both parties of a conflict. Also, it deals with the ability to deal with disagreements by parties of different aspects like opinions and ensures that it minimizes negative feelings (Walden University, 2017). Following the fact that the workplace is prone to conflicts, one must have the ability to manage disputes and appreciate what causes them among various parties for easy mediation and management. The collaboration style ensures that both views of the parties of a conflict get understood and thus aids in building trust and good relationships among parties ("Understanding Conflict Handling Styles," n.d.). The style results in a win-win situation where all parties mutually gain, and everyone is satisfied or happy with the solution.
What causes conflict between you and others in the workplace?
I have conflicted with others in the workplace in some instances. I realized that the leading cause was poor communication from the management. In most instances, the administration would assign roles and duties to my colleagues, and it would happen that there lacked clarity on the assigned roles. Because of that, we found ourselves working on the same tasks or avoiding some parts because each of us believes that the other should do them. The above leads to arguments on who is supposed to do the particular roles. Irrefutably, poor communication is an issue that may cause clashes in the workplace.
What causes conflict between you and others in your personal life?
In addition to having conflicts with others in the workplace, I sometimes have disputes with others in my personal life. The main thing that causes conflic...
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