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Ad Analysis: Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Franchise in Utah

Essay Instructions:

In this paper, you will describe the ad and the theory and then apply the theory to evaluate the ad in answer to the question: is this ad likely to be persuasive? Use at least two authoritative articles to apply your chosen theory to analyze the purpose and effectiveness of that advertisement, paying attention to the source,channel (i.e., the medium, platform; surrounding content), the message (e.g., kinds of appeals it uses) and its receiver (i.e., target audience). Which aspects of the message are most important will partly depend on the chosen theory.

For rough drafts, put the thesis statement at the top of the page, centered, all by itself. This does not mean that you will not need to incorporate your thesis into the text. You must incorporate your thesis into the text as well. Putting your thesis statement at the top of the page provides a clear indication of what you are trying to argue so that the reviewers can better evaluate how well you have accomplished that goal.

This should be your best attempt at the assignment

Please provide a link to or image of the ad.

You may leave a note for the reviewer in the comments of your draft if you would like advice about specific aspects of the writing (i.e., grammar, APA citation) or your argument (i.e., applying the theory, strength of the argument, use of evidence).

Paper Guidelines

Rough draft: 1,500 words

Double spaced

One-inch margins on all sides

12 point font

Include assignment, your name and page number (# of #) and word count in the header

Include a link to the ad, or append the ad after the References page

Use at least 2 authoritative, outside sources

Sources must come from a text other than the assigned text

Cite your sources using APA styleLinks to an external site.

Parenthetical citations go in-text (i.e. author, year of publication, page)

Just like (Knowles, 2022, p. 7) this.

Please refer to the APA Style LibGuideLinks to an external site.


If it’s a quote, please cite it. If it’s not your idea, please cite it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ad Analysis
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Advertising is a critical component of marketing. It is the process of creating awareness about a product or service through carefully crafted messages. The purpose of advertising is to influence consumer behavior by creating a sense of need or want (Zheng, 2020). Advertising can create awareness about a product or service, stimulate demand for the product, increase sales, or build a brand (Zheng, 2020). Effective ads use catchy slogans and memorable images to capture consumers’ attention. They also use persuasive language to convince consumers to buy the product. In contrast, unsuccessful ads often use outdated technology or graphics and feature too many slogans or irrelevant images (Zheng, 2020). Additionally, some effective ads apply the theory of cognitive dissonance to induce a highly emotive response in the receiver, effectively leaving a lasting impact. On the other hand, an unsuccessful application of this theory produces conflict in the receiver, inducing an aversion to the product or service. The ad analyzed here is unlikely to be persuasive because it appeals to customers to purchase and consume unhealthy amounts of sugary soda to support a cause for fighting diabetes.
Theoretical Background
Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when an individual simultaneously holds two or more conflicting beliefs, ideas, or values or is confronted with new information that contradicts existing ethos (Ong et al., 2017). The theory of cognitive dissonance has been shown to have real implications for advertising (Jeong et al., 2019; Zheng, 2020). First, it can lead to cognitive distortion, wherein advertisers make distorted judgments about their products or services to maintain the dissonance. This can result in overly positive or negative ads, exaggerated claims, and unrealistic expectations (Zheng, 2020). Second, cognitive dissonance can lead to attitude change, whereby consumers adopt a more favorable view of the product or service after experiencing dissonance. This can result in increased brand loyalty and sales. Finally, cognitive dissonance can lead to decision changes, whereby consumers make different choices based on conflicting beliefs about the product or service. This can result in decreased sales and increased customer churn.
Cognitive dissonance can reduce the effectiveness of a campaign by causing people to question their purchasing decisions. It occurs when there is a discrepancy between what people think and what they do (Ong et al., 2017). For example, if someone believes smoking is harmful but continues smoking, they may experience dissonance. This can create a conflict between what they believe and what they see or experience (Zheng, 2020). In addition, a singer’s declaration of political affiliation can backfire if it causes dissonance in their fans (Jeong et al., 2019). This dissonance can effectively alienate a portion of their audience.
Ad Description
In 2011, a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise in Utah started a marketing campaign for a good cause that urged its patrons to help combat the diabetes pandemic (Nestle, 2011). Customers of the chain were advertised a big, calorie-dense Pepsi cola for $2.99 to accompany their meals (Nestle, 2011). The advertisement claimed that the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) would receive a donation of $1 for each unit purchased.
The receivers for this ad are the customers of the KFC franchise in Utah. This particular ad is a poster displayed within the franchise, so the customers who see it are the intended beneficiaries of the advertisement. In terms of demographics, the target audience for this ad is likely people from low-income backgrounds, as KFC restaurants typically offer lower-priced meals. Specifically, the target prospects for the ad included KFC customers interested in the fight against diabetes (Nestle, 2011). Other receivers may also include people interested in donating to worthy causes.
The advertisement was created by a KFC franchise in Utah, lending credibility and possibly increasing its persuasiveness (Nestle, 2011). Although...
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