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Report on Audience Potential for a Pet Owners Website

Essay Instructions:

The specific requirements and one example of the Assessment 3: Report are included in the next documents section.

Scenario: You work at The Sydney Morning Herald, and the company is interested in launching a new niche pet-owners’ website and app, to sit alongside the existing online news channel. Your manager asks you to write a report on the audience potential for the site and the app. She plans on using the report as part of a presentation to the executive committee, seeking approval for the project to proceed.

Assessment 3: Report Write a 1500-word report based on one of four scenarios(listed below). Ensure your report clearly addresses the audience as outlined in the scenario and follows plain language principles. Take particular care with the structure of the report; keep in mind whether an 'answer first' approach is needed, or whether a more 'bottom up' approach is best to convey the report's key messages. An exemplar report is in the Assessments 3 folder on Blackboard. Format Reports should be 12pt Times New Roman, double spaced, with the student name, student number, and page number in the footer. Use subheadings where appropriate. There is no need for a cover sheet but give your report a title. There is no need for academic-style referencing, but footnotes consistent with professional workplace documents can be used if required. Submit via the Turnitin link below. Scenarios 1. Corporate: You work in the corporate communications division at NewCo Foods. Your manager asks you to review how your major grocery rivals (Woolworths Group and Coles Group) approach their shareholder communications through their Annual Report to shareholders. You are asked to write a report that analyses the competitors' approach to designing their annual report communications, what considerations are used in the structure of the reports, what major issues are covered in their 2021 reports, and how they are displayed online. Your report should make specific recommendations on how NewCo Foods should proceed with its annual reporting suite this year. 2. Public service: You are employed as a communications officer for the Federal Health Department. Your manager has asked you to write a report that reviews the communications effectiveness of the Australian Government's COVID-19 website. Your report should compare the local website with the approach taken by the New Zealand Ministry of Health and make specific recommendations about what aspects of the local website should be retained and what new features should be introduced. 3. Public advocacy: You have been engaged by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) to review their website. Write a report for RSPCA senior management that assesses the content, structure and purpose of the website with regard to the RSPCA's multiple audiences. The report should reference the websites of the RSPCA in the UK and the ASPCA in the United States, and make specific recommendations about what aspects of these sites, if any, could be included in the local site. 4. Public relations: You work for a full service PR agency that has been engaged to launch a new music and arts festival at the Gold Coast hinterland township of Mt Tamborine. Your manager has asked you to write a report about how similar festivals promote themselves through social and traditional media, and to make specific recommendations about promotional activity to publicise the Mt Tamborine festival, as well as the types of events or activities that have proven popular at other festivals. Your manager asks you to consider ap

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assessment 3: Report
Institutional Affiliate
Assessment 3: Report
Assessment 3: Report Background The fight against animal cruelty in Australia stemmed from a public meeting held to discuss the mistreatment of horses in 1871 and has since grown to become a significant force championing animal rights across the nation under the umbrella organization, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) (RSPCA Australia, 2022). The community’s support plays a significant role in ensuring that the organization achieves its mission of preventing animal cruelty and enhancing animal welfare through policy advocacy. The country and the organization have since witnessed remarkable improvements in animal treatment, including legislative measures for the promotion of animal welfare in domestic and wild settings. The community engagement to discuss the plight of animals in Australia set the premise upon which the umbrella body through which RSPCA societies across the country joined their efforts to enhance animal welfare. RSCPA Australia works with the government and other relevant authorities by providing science-based animal welfare knowledge to enhance the country's animal care. The development and implementation of animal protection policies stem from the science-based animal welfare knowledge provided by the national organization. It suffices, therefore, that the organization thrives on community engagement and collaboration with other partners in government or the private sector. RSPCA Australia is a non-profit organization whose growth and development depend on the community’s support. RSPCA Australia embraces community outreach programs as strategic interventions for securing the community’s support to maintain its ability to achieve the organization’s mission objectives. For instance, the development of the organization’s website makes for one of the strategic interventions for communicating with the community and strengthening the collaborative effort through which the organization achieves its diverse objectives. The website allows the organization to inform, engage, and influence the community to share in the organization’s mission of caring for and protecting individual animals (RSPCA Australia, 2022). Such an engagement platform strengthens its relationship with the community and thus secures the latter’s support for sustainable growth and development. Community support for RSPCA Australia’s operational activities includes financial donations and contributions, voluntary services, and the provision of new animal homes to rescued animals (RSPCA Australia, 2022). Hence, the organization engages with the community through the website by providing crucial information on how individuals or groups can support the organization. Such information should be readily and easily accessible to the users for an improved experience between the organization and the community members. Community members may include donors, partners, sponsors, government officials, and other public members. The ease of access and availability of the information sought out by such individuals or groups affects their interaction with the organization, which may limit RSPCA Australia’s ability to inform, engage, and influence the community effectively. Recommendations RSCPA’s senior management should embrace an integrated approach to managing the websites’ content, structure, and purpose to enhance the audiences’ experiences by accessing their diverse informational needs and engaging with the organization. For instance, information about different aspects of the organization, including what it does and how it runs its operations are not easily accessible from the website’s homepage. Users have to open up new tabs or leave the homepage to gain access to the information outlined under each menu item. Thus, the existing content management system complicates the user experience and engagement with the organization. The management should also make the website’s structure more appealing by providing or highlighting user-specific information on the website’s homepage. In essence, information for the donors, for instance, should be given more emphasis on the homepage since the organization depends is a non-profit entity depending on the financial support of donors and other sponsors. The organization’s purpose of informing, engaging, and influencing the community should also be captured on the website’s homepage through a structural organization of the outlined elements. For instance, the website’s homepage should be divided according to the organization’s three primary purposes of informing, engaging, and influencing the users instead of providing mixed-up information addressing different elements of the organization’s key objective. Purpose of the Report             The report emphasizes the need for the senior management to implement some changes on the organization’s website to enhance the users’ experience of accessing the information they need. The ease of access to the required information by users or community members is integral to RSPCA Australia’s ability to achieve its mission objectives in the long term (RSPCA Australia, 2022). The organization’s website achieves the critical objective of informing, engaging, and influencing the community to secure the latter’s support in achieving its diverse mandates. In essence, the website should clearly inform, engage, and influence an individual or group seeking information from the organization. For instance, an individual or gr...
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