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Strategic Communication, Public Relations and Advertising Graduates

Essay Instructions:

This assignment provides students with an opportunity to reflect on the content in Chapter 1 in the Ragas & Culp text of “Why Business 101 Matters.”
In class, we discussed the evolution of strategic communications and the role of the contemporary public relations professional, necessary skills for success in today’s business world, and why being a business professional first, and then being a communications professional is essential.
Consider the points that were made in the chapter and in discussion, as well as your own experience, opinions and readings from outside class. Read Chapter 1 and reflect on it. In a 4-5-page paper, and answer the following questions:
What do you think the future holds for strategic communication, public relations and advertising graduates? What knowledge and skills do you think will set them apart and make the greatest contribution to the organization and stakeholders?
Do you agree with the benefits that the authors stated for communicators with “Business 101” knowledge? What other benefits do you see and why? What about the downside, if any?
Besides the ideas shared by the authors, how else might strategic communicators gain a good grounding in the business fundamentals that are beneficial to job and career?
4-5 pages in length, double spaced (not including reference/resource page).
Include a resource/reference/bibliography page
No cover sheet needed
Name at top of paper
Assignment number at top of paper
Include page numbers
In subject line of email write name and assignment #.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Writing Assignment 1
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Writing Assignment 1
The future holds for strategic communication, public relations, and advertising graduates is the increased integration between communication functions and business strategy. The knowledge and skills that will set graduates apart and contribute to the organization and stakeholders is their ability to relate communication competencies with business strategy. Suppose strategic communication, public relations, and advertising graduates want to improve the perception of their role by top executives and department heads. In that case, they must be experienced in constructing and communicating the organization’s message and possess the business acumen required to assist in critical decision-making. Sufficient business understanding to guide strategic communication requires that graduates have a solid grasp of business management models, language, opportunities, and challenges.
I believe that the knowledge and skills critical to the career success of strategic communication, public relations, and advertising graduates are their awareness of economics and the economy, accounting and financial statements, intangible assets and nonfinancial information, program measurement, social responsibility, corporate reputation, and corporate governance. Most importantly, graduates must know how to use this information to help the organization achieve its objectives and deliver its values-driven mission and vision to stakeholders and society (Ragas & Culp, 2014). While being a great event planner, media relations manager, content creator, copywriter, and communication strategist are essential requirements. The business environment is becoming increasingly complicated, and executives require a communication officer who understands organizational goals and business dynamics to apply these to strategic communication. In a hyper-competitive corporate world, business leaders need communicators who understand their concerns and challenges and can therefore speak their language, identify new opportunities, and ably communicate a strategic, informed position.
I agree with the benefits that the authors stated for communicators with “Business 101” knowledge. Strategic communication, public relations, and advertising graduates with “Business 101” knowledge have a marked advantage over counterparts with no business background. Since graduates with training in business fundamentals and strategy are better able to serve their clients and organizations to meet their goals, they have a career advantage over their peers who do not have any business training. Therefore, they can command higher salaries: various salary surveys show graduates with “Business 101” knowledge receive a higher median salary than their counterparts. Besides, having a background in business is critical to performing the role of a strategic communicator. Communicators with a solid grasp of business concepts and strategy are better placed to engender more effective communication and cooperation between the organization and its stakeholders (Ragas & Culp, 2014). It is challenging to competently fulfill a strategic communication officer (especially communicating effectively on behalf of the organization or making strategy recommendations) if one does not fully comprehend how the organization or industry it operates works.
Besides the prospects of better compensation, “Business 101” knowledge opens more career growth opportunities for the strategic communication, public r...
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