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Immigration Reform Bill under Biden Administration

Essay Instructions:

Reference List requirements:
For the Information Analysis Reference List, you will be required to select a topic and then 9 news reports from the news outlets listed below. This Assignment will be submitted as an APA annotated list of references. Each of the news sources should be in APA citation format. After citation, summarize each article in 2-3 sentences. This can be done in bullets. Also indicate 1-2 quotations that reflects the distinct frame or position that this article takes. Submit your Word document to this Canvas Assignment by Saturday, 10/2 @11pm (see submission instructions below). This assignment will be graded based on the Reference List Rubric. For a step by step guide on selecting your news sources, please read the following carefully.
Steps for building your reference list
Pick a topic: Scan the headlines on the homepage of a major news outlet (such as The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal) from the past year to find a topic that you’re genuinely drawn to and are interested in. Please do not select a topic focused solely on entertainment, arts, or sports. Once you have a broad topic, you should begin to determine some parameters that will allow you to search for this topic across a variety of media platforms. Be sure the topic you choose has extensive and in depth coverage.
For example, you may begin recognizing that you are drawn to stories about climate change. As you narrow down your search for a news topic, you should pin down a particular subject that has attracted media coverage, such as Greta Thunberg. This will still yield a number of results that may feel too broad to do a focused news analysis. Don’t worry, this is an important step in the process. As you narrow your results, you might find coverage about Greta’s trip to the US. After honing in, you find “Greta Thunberg’s United Nations speech” a topic that is reported widely and with conflicting perspectives across media outlets. This makes for an excellent starting point.
Reference List of Sources: Now that you have your focused topic, you will choose a total of 9 articles/clips for your study. Search for 1 article/clip from EACH of the following 9 groups (below). Once you select a report from each category, format your list in an APA Style Works Cited page.
Major national newspaper: The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal
Major TV broadcast networks: ABC News, NBC News, or CBS News
Non-profit news organization: PBS or NPR
Left leaning cable news organization: MSNBC or CNN
Right leaning cable news organization: Fox News or Breitbart
Middle-market newspaper/ News aggregator: USA Today or The Huffington Post
Investigative/Explanatory news producers: Vox or Mother Jones
-Satirical “news” show: The Daily Show, The Nightly Show, The Onion, Jon Oliver, etc.
-Social Media conversation of this issue: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok
Essay requirements :
After you have collected your news sources and prepared your list of References, you will analyze the news items and write a concise 5-7 page report that addresses the following questions. Submit your Word document to this Canvas Assignment by Sunday, 10/31 @11pm (see submission instructions below). This assignment will be graded based on the RU CORE GOAL assessment rubric.
Purpose of the Paper
The paper will be 5-7 pages (not including your bibliography) analyzing the narrative frames and tools that are used to report your selected news story. This assignment will require you to study each report closely using the methods of frame analysis. In your paper, you are required to establish at least 1 link between your analysis and material that you have encountered in this class.
The purpose of the paper is NOT to argue for your position on the topic or the validity of information in the news reports. Rather, the paper is looking at HOW this story is CONSTRUCTED across news platforms. As you review each report in your sample, pay close attention to patterns in reporting, tools of persuasion, descriptions, visuals, sources and editorial bias.
Tips for Analysis
As you begin your analysis, use the following questions as a guide to help you focus on the tools and patterns of narrative construction.You do not have to answer each question for each news outlet. Rather, your paper should be a logical presentation of your overall findings organized around the frames you have observed. Tip: one way to help find patterns between outlets is to organize your observations to these questions in a spreadsheet.
The first group of questions will help you interrogate each report individually.
What facts are being presented by the report?
What are the primary sources of information? Is it balanced?
What information is being highlighted? What information is left?
What facet of the story is being held up as most salient by the author? What gets ignored?
How much of an effort is being made to get at “the heart of the matter”/ “actual reality”?
What visuals are presented?
The second group of questions will help you discover frames used across outlets. These questions will directly guide the type of findings you will discuss in your paper.
What is the depth of coverage on this topic? What gaps, if any, exist in the coverage of this topic?
How much of the coverage is apparent fact? And how much is opinion? How are these being presented?
Is the same factual information being presented differently in the different news stories you are evaluating?
What “narrative” is being built up across media? (is there a single narrative or multiple competing narratives?) Is any of the above going against the narrative?
Example of Information Analysis
For example, you might have recognized a distinct pattern between non-profit and left-leaning outlets describe Greta Thunberg’s UN speech in overwhelmingly positive terms in stark contrast to the right-leaning outlets. When writing your analysis paper, use the first paragraph to provide a brief overview of the most objective “uncontested” elements of the news event. Your thesis statement should appear toward the end of your introductory paragraph. It is crucial that your thesis statement briefly lays out what you are about to do by listing the frames you found and the role each plays in the narrative construction.
The rest of your paper will detail each frame you find by drawing on evidence directly from your sample of reports. So, once you introduce the frames you found in Greta Thunberg story, an extolling social activist frame by left-leaning outlets and a disparaging frame by right-leaning outlets, the body of your paper would specifically present the ways in which these frames are constructed. Always support your analysis with specific examples from the sources you collect (include specific timecode for long clips to help the reader).
第一个reference list 是10.2 due11pm之前(美东),写两页
第二个essay10.31 才due。写7页一共。
Orders placed together before communicating with customer service
It’s a bit complicated, and if the teacher doesn’t understand it, let me know in advance. The first reference list requires two articles, due before 10.2 11pm.
7 pages of essay, 10.31 due

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Immigration Reform Bill under Biden Administration
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Immigration Reform Bill under Biden Administration
The Biden-Harris government inaugurated a broad, entire effort to reform our immigration process in January, that is, by sending legislation to Congress that would create a new system to responsibly manage and secure our border, provide a path to citizenship, and better manage migration across the Hemisphere. Democrats in Congress announced the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, a comprehensive immigration bill that includes establishing a road to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. President Biden supports the bill, which closely resembles the approach he introduced on his first day in office. Immigration supporters are pressuring his administration and legislative Democrats to move the law quickly, but it's uncertain how quickly they would do so. Due to the legal uncertainty surrounding the DACA program, many immigrant groups and Democrats believe that adopting the Dream Act should be a top priority.
In the NPR report, federal immigration officials are increasingly targeting activists who oppose those, support illegal immigrants. The NPR report presented a visual and actual reality stating that the Democratic majority in the House and Senate runs through Latino districts. A fast-track mechanism is included in the Democratic bill for immigrants who were brought to the nation by their parents as children, as well as certain farmworkers and previous recipients of temporary protected status, such as individuals fleeing wars (Sprunt & Grisales, 2021). According to immigrant groups around the country, they are quoted in the media, including the American Civil Liberties Union. The agency most commonly chastised for arresting activists, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, explicitly denies being singled out. The coverage in the news report is essential since ICE claims that it does not retaliate against illegal immigrants who make negative remarks and that any suggestion to the contrary is reckless and speculative. According to ICE, anyone who violates immigration rules may be arrested, detained, and deported.
In the Wall Street Journal, the additional measures are part of President Biden's plan, according to advisers, to put bills tailored to certain groups on a legislative track alongside the larger immigration bill he has proposed (Hughes, 2021). Forty percent are entirely closed to non-emergency nonimmigrant visa appointments, which includes all categories of work visas. Wait periods are increasing for fully open consulates (38 percent), with many reporting six-month or longer wait times. Bier states that the asylum procedure is effectively our work-visa program. While some states offer seasonal visas for jobs that do not require a college diploma, such as construction, dairy, or poultry processing, the asylum process is essentially our work-visa program.
The Obama-Biden administration was a significant supporter of the bipartisan comprehensive immigration solution that passed the Senate in 2013 and would have strengthened our country's immigration rules. When the Republican-controlled House failed even to debate the bill, the Obama administration moved to radically alter our nation's immigration policies, providing relief and stability to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who make a daily contribution to our communities. Biden was a proponent of the DACA program, which allowed parents with legal status in the United States to apply to bring their children from Central America to live with them in the United States.
The major national newspaper The Wall Street Journal, and CBS News, a major TV broadcast network, gives factual information about Biden-Harris Administration where the US expanded legal avenues for protection and opportunity, such as the Central American Minors (CAM) program, which reunites children with their parents in the US and passing immigration bill. The opinion of this journal is essential in analyzing the Biden regime. The administration has worked with regional partners to improve collaborative migration management, including forming a new Human Smuggling and Trafficking Task Force to disrupt and prevent migrant smuggling and human trafficking operations. At our southern border, we continue to dissuade irregular migration. While dealing with the previous administration's cruel and reckless immigration policies, which worsened long-standing issues and failed to protect our border, the administration has accomplished all of this and more.
A blueprint released by Biden Administration outlines the steps it will take to implement the President's revolutionary vision for 21st-century immigration laws, which secures the border fairly, and expeditiously considers asylum claims, reinforces regional migration and operational processes in North and Central America, and addresses the underlying cause causes of migration. Success in establishing a fair, orderly, and humane immigration system will not happen quickly, especially in light of the previous Administration's irrational and brutal actions. However, this Administration has a roadmap and is making genuine progress. The primary source of this information is white House officials during their national speech.
Cristina Jiménez, an undocumented immigrant who arrived in the United States twenty years ago, opted to find actions as a reason to resist. Therefore, the 33-year-old activist created in 2008 United We Dream, America's largest youth-led pro-immigration organization, to build a community where people could lobby for immigration reform together. Jiménez has been critical in delaying deportations, organizing rallies, and successfully persuading the Obama Administration to adopt the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program through United We Dream, which was designated one of the 2018 100 Most Influential People.
Through in-depth coverage of the CNN and CBS news report, the Biden-Harris administration continues to take steps to protect Dreamers and acknowledge their contributions to the country. Although the notice of proposed rulemaking is a vital step toward that aim, only Congress can provide long-term protection. For years, Congress has attempted and failed to pass legislation providing a path to citizenship or addressing the immigration system. Now the Biden administration is relying on DACA to ensure that the "Dreamers" can stay and work in the United States (Alvarez & Fox, 2021).
United We Dream now has over 400,000 members and a rising internet audience of over 4 million people; in the meantime, polls show that most Americans favor DACA and oppose family separation at the border, according to Jiménez. The majority of individuals are against the organization's treatment of immigrants. Summer of Dreams, a program that would prepare youth to become grassroots organizers and activists, was launched by Jiménez and United We Dream. They have staged protests at the border and spoken out against Trump's new Supreme Court pick. They have also encouraged Congress not to enact Republican-backed immigr...
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