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Speech Analysis of Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream

Essay Instructions:

In your own words, write a six paragraph, speech analysis.

Paragraph #1 - What are the general purpose and specific purpose of the speech?

Paragraph #2 - Discuss the situational factors related to the speech, audience demographics, and audience psychographics

Paragraph #3 - In the introduction, how does the speaker begin the speech to captivate attention, introduce the topic, and connect with the audience?

Paragraph #4 - What are the main points conveyed in the body of this speech?

Paragraph #5 - What support material - facts, statistics, scientific research findings, surveys, examples, testimony, quotes, etc. -are used as evidence to support or back up the main points?

Paragraph #6 - In the conclusion, how did the speaker reinforce the main theme and purpose of the speech, and also end with an impact?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Speech Analysis of Martin Luther King's
I Have A Dream
[date] Martin Luther King's speech talks about black people's societal situation. He emphasizes how the Negros, despite being freed from slavery, are still in the hands of discrimination and injustices. His speech aims to express the struggle, pain, and unfair treatment that the Negros receive for being black.
The speech talks about the Negros, who had been subject to slavery in the past. However, the speech aims to reach all the people, to listen and empathize. Also, Martin seeks to call for the people in power who influence people's minds. His speech challenges these people of authority to look at where the politics and class struggle have put the lives of Negros. There is an invitation for the people and the influential individuals to listen to their population.
The speech started by giving regard to the person who gave black people freedom and civil rights. Martin recognized how the black people went from being the slaves to becoming of the same status as the whites. Then, he shifts to how, despite the status changes, the black people still seem to be living in despair and agony. He enumerates instances wherein their past is still haunting the black people after years of living the free and civil life. Martin introduces his speech by intriguing people as to why their race is still locked in the injustices they thought were destroyed by the civil rights.
The speech presented the contribution of the high-ranking people in the struggle that the black people experience. He says that their position must be of dignity ...
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