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Development of Politics in the UAE (Communications & Media Essay)

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Development of Politics in the UAE
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October 11, 2020
Understanding the historical and societal circumstances that led to the development of politics in a country is important for any political science student. It allows him to have a better understanding and appreciation of the reasons that led to the creation of the current state systems, policies, and even ideologies that are used to govern the nation. In this article, the author would like to focus on the development of politics in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This includes its previous political systems as well as the current developments and changes that are brought to implement improvements within the system. All in all, the author of this paper believes that the recent changes in the country’s politics is brought about by its consistent economic growth and independence from its past colonizer.
History of the UAE
UAE is one of the countries that have an interesting political structure. Prior to 1971, the country was regarded as a colony of Britain. It was ruled by the British government and only had local governors that handles local policies including administrative functions based on the British government’s bidding. Accordingly, the islands that built up the current country were then divided into different groups and all of which are ruled by a different monarch. By December 2, 1971, the country then experienced a significant change in terms of politics and economy. The six emirates who ruled each island have joined together in order to declare themselves as independent from Britain’s control. These once independent emirates include “Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ajman, Al Fujayrah, Sharjah, and Quwayn” CITATION Tri19 \l 1033 (Tristam, 2019).
Although the UAE was established by the year 1971, it took some time before it was able to form its new state. At first, the country had established a form of a provisional constitution that retained power to each of the emirs in terms of politics and economy. In fact, even the mining rights for each of the emirates were almost independent of one another, which shows that this phase was a transition from its colonial status to the current form of government that it has today CITATION Libnd \l 1033 (Library of Congress, n.d.).
Modern Government
Through time, the UAE has developed a federal form of government that embraces its intention during its independence in 1971. This was reflected with the subsequent creation of its modern Constitution in 1996, which had several revisions from its original 1971 version. Under the new Constitution, the government is still under a constitutional monarchy wherein each of the clans that held the p...
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