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Essay Instructions:
Analysis and Reflection Paper 2 Overview This assignment is asking you to select a topic and write an analysis and reflection paper on that topic. The purpose of this kind of writing is to help you to improve your analytical skills. It requires you to express what you think, and more importantly, how and why you think that way. In addition, reflective analysis asks you to acknowledge that your thoughts are shaped by your assumptions and preconceived ideas; in doing so, you can appreciate the ideas of others, notice how their assumptions and preconceived ideas may have shaped their thoughts, and perhaps recognize how your ideas support or oppose what you read. Thus, the papers you write in this class are asking you to critically engage with the concepts we are learning in this class by making connections between what read in our course textbook, your own observations and also ideas expressed on the same concepts by other scholars. Additional Research Required To support your analysis, you must cite at least 2 academic journal articles. These have to be in addition to sources you read as part of the course. Citing course readings is strongly suggested but will not count towards the 2 source requirement. Paper Format Your essay should be between 750-1000 words. Cite the textbook and two additional academic journal articles to support your arguments. Use proper APA or MLA format for referencing. APA is preferred. Complete additional research and write a paper examining the following Children tend to be socialized into very strict gender roles. This socialization process and these expectations tend to be especially difficult for children who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or otherwise genderqueer. Give an example of two specific difficulties that queer kids may face growing up as well as a potential response to help ease each issue, explaining how the response would directly impact the issue. Use additional research to support your analysis.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis and Reflection on the Difficulties Faced by Queer Youth and Potential Responses Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Analysis and Reflection on the Difficulties Faced by Queer Youth and Potential Responses Children face multiple challenging social cues and expectations as they attempt to adapt to their developmental environments. Part of the social complexity that some of the children face presently are the limits associated with gender roles. As aspects of socialization, the perception and definition of gender roles can dictate behaviors, interests, and even daily choices. However, this cannot be the same for children who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or otherwise genderqueer (LGBTQ+). To those children, the expectations are rigid, which triggers a range of difficulties associated with their ability to adapt. In this reflective paper, emphasis will be put on exploring bullying and isolation as well as family rejection and lack of support as some of the challenges faced by queer youth. By critically examining existing literature and drawing upon empirical evidence on the above challenges, stakeholders can gain insights into effective strategies to support queer children in navigating their identity development. Bullying and social stigma or isolation are among the most monumental challenges that queer youth face in present-day society. CDC (2020) reported that 43% of transgender youth have been victims of bullying on school property. In 2019, a higher percentage of transgender youth, 29%, experienced threats or harm with a weapon at school. That number was high, especially relative to 7% of cisgender youth. Unfortunately, the number marked an increase from the reported figures in 2017 for transgender youth facing such incidents on school grounds (CDC, 2020). Notably, the cases of abuse are highly wide-ranging and can constitute verbal abuse, physical violence, social exclusion, and cyberbullying. Bearing the challenges that they face including bullying and social isolation, 22% of bisexual youth, 21% of gay and lesbian youth, and 29% of transgender youth have attempted suicide (Katz-Wise et al., 2016). The youth faced with the challenges of bullying or social isolation due to their sexual identity are likely to suffer from mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, or suicidal ideations. To respond to the challenge of bullying and social isolatio...
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