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Communications & Media
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Social Media Upright Agenda

Essay Instructions:

Research requirements: Students must cite or refer to at least eight (8) academic sources. (All eight sources can be from the literature review.) An academic source can include an article from a peer-reviewed journal, a chapter from a text published by a university or scholarly press, etc. If students are unsure as to whether a source can be considered sufficiently academic, they should ask the instructor to confirm its acceptability. Instructions: 1. Write an essay on the theme and research objective you identified in the proposal, using the scholarship you drew together in the literature review. 2. Start your essay with an introduction that establishes the significance of your theme – why it is an important, timely, or relevant topic to consider in the study of communication and/or media. [approx. 100-250 words] 3. At this point, the form of the body of your essay can vary. The essay can be written in any format (e.g., the hamburger format with 3-4 body paragraphs from strongest to weakest) and include subtitles or headings. You can use your scholarly sources to support, challenge, or complicate your arguments or claims about whatever it is you’re writing about. Or you can compare and contrast your own assertions about, or observations of, whatever it is you’re writing about, with the claims or findings of the scholarship upon which you’re drawing. What matters most is that you incorporate your scholarly sources through quotations and paraphrases, either in support of your arguments, or as a point of contrast with those arguments. Do not just repeat what the scholarship has already said, however; use it to draw your own conclusions or point out points of contrast or blindspots that you can correct [approx. 1000-1500 words] 4. End your essay with a conclusion that restates your research objective and affirms how your essay was able to fulfill that objective. You can also specify what questions that you weren’t able to address and that might warrant future research and investigation [approx. 100-250 words].

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Social Media Upright Agendas

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Social Media Upright Agenda

Today, technology is on the rise, and every individual gets to interact with different technology tools. An example is social media, which has increased in today's world. Social media tools include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn TikTok. Each individual selects the social media platform they like and uses for communication, business, and connectivity. Even though positive results can be extracted from social media platforms, opposing challenges are faced, which means these aspects must be immediately addressed after they are witnessed. An example of negativity from social media platforms is addiction, social media crimes, and loneliness. One will likely suffer from these adverse effects when one engages in social media platforms without a proper plan and guidelines. In my interaction with social media platforms, there are positive outcomes that can be crafted from these tools. Social media has the potential to propagate morally upright agendas. These propagations happen through providing platforms for individuals, organizations, and movements that help advocate for positive changes. Social media also has an opportunity to spread awareness and create mobilization support to handle various causes. Understanding how to use social media platforms and how they propagate morally upright agendas is essential as it promotes the ethical use of social media by individuals and organizations.

Social media is essential and helps propagate morally upright agendas by raising awareness. The advantage of social media is it enables the rapid dissemination of information to individuals. Through this dissemination, individuals and groups can raise awareness about societal issues and challenges and work towards a morally upright agenda. Critical social issues are discussed on social media platforms, with each individual giving their opinion and getting more information about the issue for proper decision-making and further discussions. An example I can point out is that awareness can be raised on issues like conducting campaigns to address environmental conservations, whereby information on causes of environmental degradation and strategies to achieve environmental justice are discussed through the platforms. Awareness can also be raised on issues regarding human rights violations or even incidences of mental health. These pieces of information gain traction through hashtags, 

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