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Social Media SMART Objectives for a Business

Essay Instructions:


In this assignment you will take what you have learned about your organization’s social media presence and combine it with your knowledge of social media objectives and metrics in order to propose some elements of a social media campaign.

The purpose of this assignment is to show that you are learning about the relationship between platform and audience, have a sense of how to write clear and measurable objectives, and that you can identify the appropriate measurements for a campaign.

You will submit your proposed objectives and measurements in the form of a 2-5 page paper that will be submitted via the Assignments link on Blackboard. Select the link above to submit the assessment.


Produce a 2-5 page paper in which you:

*Review the mission and activities of your client (specifically the activities you will focus on in your final campaign plan/strategy).

*Identify four possible social media SMART objectives for your client.

*Justify each objective through attention to the organization’s business goals, their desired target audiences, and the characteristics of specific social media platforms.

*Identify a metric that can be used to assess the success of a social media campaign designed to accomplish the objective.

This paper should be organized into two parts. In Part I you should briefly review the nature of your client’s mission and activities. If you have narrowed the focus of the social media work you’ll be focused on, describe that here. For example, if I chose Johns Hopkins University as my client in Assignment 1, and decided to focus on recruiting MBA students, I might now narrow to focus only on professionals who are working from home during the pandemic. I could also choose to narrow my focus enrolling only new students, and you can see that my outcome here is really targeting enrollment as a measurement.

In Part II you should identify your proposed social media objectives, justifications and measurements. Let's try using another example - what if we were working for the JHU Undergraduate Admissions office? Here is an abbreviated example:

*Objective: to increase the number of new leads from Facebook by 10% by December 2019

*Business Outcome: Lead generation of potential first-year students

*Justification: JHU Undergrad Admissions cannot succeed unless it continues (and increases) the number of qualified applicants in its freshman application pool every year. Enrollment research shows that students who get connected to a campus before the end of their sophomore year of high school are more likely to attend that campus than campuses they learn about later in their college career. Research also shows that parents who connect with a college early in a child’s high school career are more likely to recommend that college to their child. Parents with high-school aged kids spend a lot of time on Facebook.

*Measurement: Personal information (email addresses) collected through social media.

Presentation Details

Your paper should be typed and double-spaced. You can choose your font, margins, and other stylistic elements, however please be sure that the font is at least 10 point in size and that margins are at least 1.5”. Please be sure to include your name and the assignment title in the header or at the top of each page, along with the page number . You do not have to have a cover page or abstract for this assignment. You should include a references page, in APA format, if you cite course material.

Review the scoring details below to understand how your submission will be evaluated.


CRITERIA Points Possible Your Score

Paper accurately reviews the client’s goals, and if appropriate, narrows the scope for the focus of the objectives. 2

Objectives are written using SMART approach and are appropriately connected to client’s goals 5

Justification for objectives are accurately and completely grounded in an understanding of social media platform features and audiences 5

Measurements show an understanding of the analysis tools available for social media platforms and are appropriate for the proposed objectives 5

Paper and citations are formatted according to instructions, paper is appropriate length and is edited/proofread for accuracy and clarity 3

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your name
Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Client's Mission and Activities
The client owns a jewelry and clothing business. The shop sells various jewelry types, including rings, necklaces, earrings, watches, and other bling. There are also shirts, jeans, skirts, jackets, and accessories such as caps, bandanas, and more for both men and women. However, the client does not have a physical store and conducts business through the social media platform Instagram. Their shop sends direct messages and comments on the posts of their target customers and offers them a massive discount. However, no matter how many messages they send to potential customers in a day, they do not convert them into sales. Furthermore, customers believe they are engaging in a scam due to their strategy of messaging and commenting on everyone, as there are instances when people receive multiple messages from them in a day. The client has many resources where they can earn a profit, but they have not utilized their Instagram account effectively.
As evident, the client has not established a relationship with its customers. Hence, their Instagram account is not regarded as a trustworthy business account. There are ongoing scams in which brands ask people to be their ambassadors in exchange for purchasing items from them. They may take a picture of the things after they have paid for them, and the brand will post it on their account. As a result, one instantly becomes an ambassador who ends up paying for the items. People may assume or conclude that the client is also a fraudster due to their strategy. Thus, the client must take a different approach to gain the customer's trust.
The client's mission is to diversify its customer base. However, the client wishes to profit specifically from Black Americans because most of their products are designed for them. The Black Americans must be at least 18 years old and have the resources to afford items from the shop. To achieve its mission, the client must modify and improve its platform, approach, and customer relations.
Objective 1
To establish a trusted and verified Instagram business account within a month
Business Outcome
The account will gain the trust of consumers and will receive a higher engagement in terms of profile views.
An Instagram account with a blue check on it signifies authenticity and validity. Most celebrities and big companies already have their accounts verified. The account verification assures the consumers that the products and the shops are trustworthy. With this, consumers will show interest in the brand's products. The account will also reach a more extensive customer base since Instagram will gain brand awareness and engagement. And more importantly, the client can convert these engagements into profits. Moreover, the converted consumers can also recommend the brand to other consumers. In this case, the brand can give incentives or discounts to those who can refer others. If this chain continues, the brand will earn numerous benefits and prosper.
Increase profile views and followers (Agius, 2016; Chen, 2021).
Objective 2
To increase the number of new leads from Instagram by 10% every month
Business Outcome
Lead generation of potential Black American consumers
Focusing on the right lead is critical to avoid wasting time and effort. The brand caters to a specific group of people. Therefore, reaching out to consumers from various groups is foolish and bold. However, the brand must explore by trying to target a more extensive prospect through the use of lead generations. To reach its goals, the brand must increase its lead generation by ten percent monthly. The leads can help the brand's visibility and earning capacity. More interestingly, if the brand generates the desired number of leads, it can gradually increase its desired lead for a month. Therefore, lead generation is essential in a business.
The number of new Instagram followers (Agius, 2016; Chen...
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