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Social Media Influencer Advertising vs Advertising on Social Media Account of a Brand

Essay Instructions:

COMM 420 – Choose Your Own Article (CYOA)

10 points each

For this assignment, select a peer-reviewed article that uses the method we are currently discussing in class: cross-sectional survey (Oct. 26), experiment (Nov. 30). Examples of journals that you can pull from include the Journal of Advertising, Public Relations Research, New Media & Society, and Social Media + Society. The article that you select must meet the following criteria:

  • Published in 2012 or sooner
  • Should focus on any topic related to advertising or public relations (does not have to be related to your group project at all)
  • Must be in a peer-reviewed journal in the social sciences (conference papers and theses/dissertations do NOT count)
  • Must be about the methodology we are currently covering in class. If the study you select uses multiple methodologies (e.g., interviews and a survey), please focus your responses on the method specified for each CYOA.
    • Oct. 26: CYOA must be about a study using a cross-sectional survey design
    • Nov. 30: CYOA must be about a study using an experimental design

Each question is worth 1 point. For each question, write as much as is needed to answer the question. Except for research questions and hypotheses (which may be copy/pasted), your responses to the questions below must be in your own words! I do look through the articles students choose, and if I find sufficient evidence of plagiarism from the original article, you will receive a 0 for the assignment. Upload this assignment to the appropriate spot on Canvas by the start of class.

Citation for the article:

  1. What are the concepts or construct this paper examines? (Note: This question is not asking you to describe the gist of the article. What I’m looking for are the abstract things that the researchers want to observe or measure. These can usually be found in the research questions and/or hypotheses.)
  2. Why do the authors argue that this paper is important? In other words, what is this study’s theoretical and/or practical contribution?
  3. Does the paper use a theory (for example, Diffusion of Innovations, Extended Parallel Process Model, etc.)? If so, what is it?
  4. What are the research questions and/or hypotheses? If hypotheses are offered, identify the variables and whether they are predictor variables (independent variable for an experiment) or outcome variables (dependent variable for an experiment).
  5. Who is in in the study sample? How were they recruited?
  6. What did the study procedures entail (e.g., study protocol, questionnaire, stimuli)?
  7. What techniques did the authors use to analyze the data?
  8. What are the key findings?
  9. What are some of the study’s limitations?
  10. If you had to summarize this study for your Aunt Sally (who is smart but is not an expert on the subject) in everyday language, what would you say? 




Essay Sample Content Preview:

“Social Media Influencer Advertising versus Advertising on Social Media Account of a Brand. Evidence from an Experimental Design.”
Student’s Name
Course Title
The Article
Racz, R. G. (2020). Social Media Influencer Advertising versus Advertising on Social Media Account of a Brand. Evidence from an Experimental Design. Journal of Media Research, 13(3), 45-54.
1.Examining Concepts and Constructs in the paper
The goal of this article is to examine the differences between the results of advertising via social media influencers and those of advertising through a brand's official social media accounts. An experimental approach was used for this investigation. The study's main goal is to learn whether or not the presence of a social media influencer boosts the performance of internet advertisements.
2. Theoretical and Practical Contributions of a Study: An Argument for Its Importance.
The research showed that advertising via social media influencers improved both user perceptions of the brand and the firm itself. An increase in the brand's perceived worth may result from endorsements from influential members of the content consumer community (Racz, 2020). There aren't many aftercosts related with advertising anything through social media. It's possible to do so by exchanging services or exchanging monetary compensation, and it may increase both parties' followings and popularity.
3. The Use of Theory in a Paper: An Analysis
In the study, the effectiveness of social media advertising from brand accounts vs social media advertising from influencers is compared with regard to the attitudes and behaviors that are elicited as a result. To do this, we will use an online survey with two levels to perform an experiment based amongst individuals (Racz, 2020). They had two groups: one that was responsible for advertising via an influencer group, which we referred to as the influencer group and another that was responsible for social media without the backing of an influencer, which they referred to as the "brand account" group.
4. Research Questions/Hypotheses & Variables
The study's hypotheses were as follows:
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