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Gender and Biomedicine

Essay Instructions:

Please read the requirements for my final paper carefully. I have chosen to write a short story. In addition, please make my final paper according to the ppt you wrote last time. The two readings I have provided are the most important, please analyze and make a short story based on those two readings, try not to use too much outside sources.

One of the materials I have provided is a speech written by a writer for me. I think you can refer to it, which may help you better finish the analysis and make the short story.

Politics of Bodies: Gender and Biomedicine

Assignment Description: For the final paper, you have two choices:

  1. Select and research a topic related to gender and biomedicine not covered in this course (including but not limited to a different country, part of the US, expression of or relationship to gender or aspect of biomedicine). Use course readings from two different weeks of the course to analyze your topic.
  2. Write a short story or piece of speculative fiction that images a different social construction of and relationship between gender and biomedicine (see for example, Ursula LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness). Use course readings from two different weeks of the course to analyze your speculative piece (the analysis should be at least 2 pages of your final paper).

Readings used in the analysis should include at least one piece from the second half of the quarter (weeks 5-9). Paper should be 7-10 double spaced pages, not including optional cover page and required references. The final paper will be worth 35% of your grade. 

Presentations will be in class on Monday November 28th, Wednesday November 30th, or Friday December 2nd. Presentation order has been randomly assigned and is listed on the second tab (titled ‘final presentations’) of the critical review sign-up Google Doc, linked on the course Canvas. If you and a classmate mutually agree to switch time slots, notify me by Wednesday, November 23rd. Presentations should be 3-5 minutes, with questions afterwards if time permits. You will present the topic of your paper, the argument you are making, and the readings you will be drawing on. Presentations should be done using PowerPoint, and include a cover slide and 2-3 additional slides. Slides are due via Canvas or email by 5pm the night before your assigned presentation. Presentations are worth 10% of your grade. 

Sample grading rubric for paper:

  • Topic or story to be analyzed:
  • Written portion – technical
    • 7-10 pages (at least 2 pages of analysis):
    • References:
    • Formatting:
    • Written portion – content
      • Describe/summarize topic to be analyzed (or include original story):
      • Present clear argument:
      • Back up argument:
      • Use of readings
        • Draw on two readings (one from weeks 5-9):
        • Describe readings:
        • Apply readings:

 Sample grading rubric for presentation:

  • Topic or story to be analyzed:
  • Presentation – technical
    • Cover slide plus 2-3 content slides:  
    • Duration of 3-5 minutes:
    • Presentation – content
      • Describe/summarize topic (or story) to be analyzed:
      • Present clear argument (including how you plan to support this argument):
      • Draw on two readings (one from weeks 5-9):


Paper formatting: All written assignments should be submitted in Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. Use a consistent citation style (ASA is preferred, APA or MLA will also be accepted), with a references section at the end of the paper. Include a title, page numbers, and section headings to organize your paper (cover page is optional). Papers should be structured as an essay, with an introduction, thesis statement, arguments and conclusion, but can have some informality or creativity (e.g., referencing your own experiences). Files should be Microsoft Word files, and file names should include your last name, the course number, and the assignment title (e.g., ‘Student last name – COMM108G – Final.doc’). Papers will be submitted via Canvas by the deadline stated. I encourage you to meet with me to discuss your paper ideas at least one week before they are due.



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender And Biomedicine
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
The issue of transgender children and biomedicine is complex and highly debated. For example, some argue that biomedicine should be used to help transgender children transition. This approach often involves drugs or surgery to assist with gender transition. Others contend that such interventions are unnecessary and may damage a child's development. Gender is a complex set of social, cultural, and biological characteristics. It is essential to recognize that gender is not simply a binary of male or female. The term is composed of many categories and identities. Gender roles and norms can vary widely across cultures and even within the same cultures. Given the complexity of gender and its role in society, it is crucial to acknowledge that it can impact biomedicine. For example, gender can influence how people experience and respond to treatments, such as medications or surgical procedures. It can also affect how individuals access and utilize healthcare resources. This discussion uses multiple class readings to write a short story.
The narratives of Hart and Val's lives shed light on the intricate dynamic that exists between gender and the field of biomedicine and provides insight into the development of this interaction over time. Transgender people undergo multiple challenges, especially in treatment (Gill-Peterson, 2018). These stories are delivered entirely from the point of view of the first person throughout. Both Hart and Val are examples of transgender people who have completed the challenging transition process, which entails undergoing several medical treatments and technological interventions. The transitioning process may last from a few months to several years.
The shifting process might last anywhere from a few months to several years, so plan accordingly. It is vital to make appropriate preparations because moving could take anywhere from a few months to many years. Suitable preparations must be made because the relocating process could take a few months to many years, so appropriate preparations must be made. The experiences above provide light on how biomedicine played a role in building their identities and contributed to how they express their gender. It is not unheard of for parents to develop negative preconceptions about their children based on the gender of the child in question, and it is also not unheard of for these thoughts to be formed in response to the gender of the child in question.
Parents frequently make decisions concerning the colors, toys, themes, and concepts they will provide for their children. The actions are based on the gender of their children even when their children are still in the very early stages of childhood (Mesman & Groeneveld, 2018). This is because parents view their children as an extension of themselves. This instance can take place at any stage of the parenting process. It is not unheard of for parents to continue behaving in this manner well into their children's adolescent years, especially if the children are still living at home. It is a frequent misconception that the color blue is linked with males, while pink is assumed to be associated with females.
On the other hand, there is a prevalent idea that the hue pink is linked with young ladies. In addition, parents generally choose themes that correspond with the genders of their children when they decorate their children's bedrooms. These themes range from superheroes to princesses to pirates. On the other hand, Flower motifs are more prevalent in girls' bedrooms, while sports motifs are more prevalent in boys' bedrooms. In addition, parents typically select decorations and topics for their children's bedrooms that are appropriate for the ages of their children (Fausto-Sterling, 2000). The construction of sexuality is deeply intertwined with gender politics, and it can be argued that gender politics heavily influence how sexuality is expressed and understood.
Gender politics refers to the power dynamics between genders, particularly men and women, and how these dynamics shape social, economic and political relations. Historically, gender politics has been dominated by a patriarchal system, which has resulted in the marginalization and oppression of women and other marginalized genders. The idea that there are unique playthings marketed toward boys and girls is prevalent and passed down from parents to their offspring. Children often get the impression that this is the case. This is a message that has received widespread distribution. The concept is regularly passed down from one generation to the next from person to person.
Many people believe that toys that are appropriate for boys to play with are toys that contain balls, rifles, and automobiles. This is a common misconception. It is widely acknowledged that dolls and stuffed animals are the two categories of toys that fall under those suitable for female kids to play with. However, parents cannot tell their children how they should feel, do, or express themselves, especially if their children's bodies tell them something different about what they need to experience.
The fact that Hart and Val have experienced many of life's events together is evidence that biomedicine has been a significant factor in forming both identities. Hart was one of the first people to go through the treatment, and the unflinching determination that Hart showed made all the difference in the world for the procedure's outcome. Hart was a pioneer in the field and one of the first people to undergo the process. In addition to being a pioneer in the industry, Hart was one of the first to have the surgery done. It has been made known to the general public that Hart has gone through the process of transitioning into a male who identifies as transgender.
Hart was torn between ending his life and walking away from a life he did not want to live in the persona of a lady who was not a good fit for him. He was torn between ending his life and walking away from a life he did not want to live. He was torn between killing his life and walking away from a life he did not want to live in the persona of a woman. He was torn between ending his life and walking away from a life he did not want to live.
Hart was torn between ending his own life and escaping a life that he did not want to live to escape the life he was currently living. Although Hart was successful in his endeavor, he continued to experience problems due to discrimination and prejudice. They will continue to refer to Hart...
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