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Privacy Concerns Emanating From Daily Use of Technologies

Essay Instructions:

Please read the requirements of the final project carefully. I have provided the four readings provided in class. Please choose two readings that you think are appropriate to complete the assignment, and do not use too many external sources.

What even was that? Analyzing Problems of Everyday Life

What was that about? Why do they keep doing this thing that’s not working? They always do this. Everyday life is usually familiar, habitual -- those happenings and practices we rarely take notice of. But breakdowns happen. These can include, but aren’t limited to, miscommunication, mistreatment, problematic patterns, marginalization, or devaluation of that which you value. This project asks you to identify a breakdown and use tools from the course to gain insight. For the final, you will choose one breakdown, observe and describe it in thoughtful detail, and analyze the situation using readings from two different weeks from the course. Conclude by reflecting on what you have learned in the course. For this project, a breakdown can be any situation you find problematic. Process 1. Plan and observe: Choose the problematic situation you want to analyze. Write notes on your memories of the situation. Carefully observe and make notes about people, practices, and spaces related to the situation. Choose the two readings you would like to use to shed light on why the situation happened. 2. Write up the final observation and analysis: Your final project will be a report with the following four sections. I. Description of the problematic situation: Who and what practices did it involve? What details of the situation offer clues or evidence for understanding what happened and why? Offer evidence from your notes and observations. (1-1.5 pages) II. Analysis using the first reading of your choice from the course (1 page) III. Analysis using the second reading of your choice from the course (1 page) IV. Reflection on how what you observed and analyzed is different from how you would have understood the situation before 100A (1-1.5 pages) V. Appendix: Notes on your observations Formatting: Please submit one PDF in at least 11 point font. No citation style required, but make sure it is clear which author you are talking about. The analysis should be no more than 5 pages, double spaced, 1-inch margin. Appendix does not count against the page maximum.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Privacy Concerns Emanating from Daily Use of Technologies
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Privacy Concerns Emanating from Daily Use of Technologies
Description of the Problematic Situation
Technology has become ubiquitous. The percentage of people acquiring electronic devices, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other computerized gadgets, has been rapidly increasing. Almost everyone wants to get connected to the Internet. However, the significant problem that many individuals are unaware of or do not mind is how the information gathered by these technological devices is used or who gets access to it. In other terms, privacy concern poses significant dangers to Internet users, and it is a primary breakdown in the digital era. Almost everyone connected to the web is vulnerable to privacy problems. Data is harvested by various search engines, social media platforms, and applications with or without the owner’s consent. For example, when creating a social media account, individuals must enter sensitive data, such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, dates of birth, and physical addresses. Besides, people use their credit cards when buying things online, exposing their financial data.
Privacy concerns have adversely affected some individuals whose data falls into the wrong hands. For example, CAM4 Elasticsearch was hacked in March 2020, leading to a data breach that exposed over 10 billion records (Barrett, 2020). Some of the individuals’ information breached include names, sexual orientation, email addresses, password hashes, payment logs, and chat transcripts. In reality, no company would leave its clients data unprotected or share it willingly with cyber criminals. Nevertheless, hackers are intelligent and use various strategies, including phishing and social engineering, to obtain the information they want to compromise security systems. Electronic gadgets gather users’ information unknowingly and record it on databases. Some applications that are installed on smartphone collect and record background activities even when individuals are not using them. That is why privacy concerns are problematic since they can affect everyone using the Internet.
Analysis Using First Course Reading
Safiya Umoja Noble asserts that Google offers various technological products and services for everyday Internet users. In particular, Google Search Engine is used by billions of people worldwide. Alphabet, Google’s parent company has significantly grown. On 16th March 2012, Google had a market capitalization of more than $203 billion, and its share was trading at $625.04 on NASDAQ. In August 2017, the company had a market capitalization of about $649.49 billion, and its share traded at $936.38 on NASDAQ (Noble, 2018). Google’s tremendous growth is attributed to its data handling. The company gathers users’ data and shares it with third parties for advertisement purposes. Currently, intelligent advertising makes it easy for firms to publicize their products and services to potential consumers. Ads are modified based on consumer behaviors. That way, it becomes easy to target the demographic that is likely to buy specific goods or services.
The problem emanating from a company like Google and others harvesting users’ data are privacy issues. Despite Google being a large technology company worldwide, it cannot guarantee that users’ information is fully protected. Smartphone users should think of various ways their privacy might be violated, particularly due to the broad range of consumer information gathered by apps and search engines (Sipior, Ward, & Volonino, 2014). For instance, whenever someone searches for specific products on Google or social networking platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, the individual is likely to receive suggestions of new similar products in the future. Apps and search engines use algorithms that are developed to gather, store, and use the data collected in specific ways (N...
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