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Importance of Technological Innovations and Social Media

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Social Media
Technological innovations continue to take up much of what is news today. Improvements in almost every aspect of our lives as a result of technology is shocking, transfixing, and also terrifying. First of all, while watching the clip Age of Context and reading the book with the same name, one realizes the amount of data we give away on a daily basis. When we take photos, ask for directions from google maps, and seek to know how knowledgeable Siri is, few realize that we are giving away information that is collected and used to hasten our decision-making process. Today, data is considered the most important asset by companies. After collection, this data is processed and becomes information, and this helps companies to earn a competitive advantage over their counterparts. In the Age of Context, the importance of data is emphasized, and essentially, social media platforms are at the forefront of collecting this data. Social media companies like Facebook and Twitter have partnered with other companies which make use of this data and use it to enhance their marketing strategies.
Aside from data, another important aspect of the Age of Context is the prevalence of sensors. Sensors have become common today as people use them to monitor their health, the number of calories they are eating, among other uses. People have warmed up to the idea of walking around with sensors fitted on their bodies. Currently, it is possible for doctors to know what their patient’s heart rate is, their heartbeat, and also their preval...
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