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Crisis Communications Plan and Social Media Policy on the Risk of Cybersecurity

Essay Instructions:

Crisis Communications Plan

Develop a crisis communications plan for your stakeholders, including a social media policy. The plan should include ideas you have offered in essays and assignments you have already submitted in this course, most specifically the outline submitted in Unit III. Walk through how you believe organizational leaders and their spokespeople should decide and act during a crisis. Your plan should include at least the following items (not necessarily in this order):

an introduction and description of your crisis communications plan,

  1. purpose,
  2. scope,
  3. situations and assumptions,
  4. audience profiles,
  5. review of leadership hierarchy and approval processes,
  6. key communication strategies,
  7. delegation of responsibilities,
  8. evaluation of communication efforts, and
  9. guidelines addressing social media

Research sources to support your ideas. Your plan should be a minimum of four-pages in APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crisis Communication Plan
Student`s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Given the current advancements in technology, the manner in which organizations secure their information has changed a lot. As a result, Wells Fargo faces the risk of cybersecurity. The loss of data through a security breach affects both the internal and external sectors of the company. The internal sector includes the employees while the external sector consists of the customers. Therefore, this communication plan will ensure that both the employees and the customers are aware of the cybersecurity crisis that the company is facing and the various initiatives that will be implemented to ensure that the customer's assets are secure in the event of a cyber-attack.
The purpose of this communication plan is to ensure that the employees and customers are aware of the various cyber attacks that can happen to the company. It will also enable them to be aware of the different strategies that can be used to prevent the occurrence of such an event or reduce the chances of its occurrence. As a result, it will be easy for the company to deal with a situation whereby a cyber-attack has occurred.
The crisis plan will be communicated to both the internal and the external parties involved. The employees are the main parties affected by the crisis communication plan because research shows that most of the security breaching results from within the company. Also, the customers can also contribute to security breaching and hence, they need to be made aware of the plan (Brown, 2016).
There is an assumption that the timing is right when there are already public releases and disclosures about the breach speaking too soon may leave out important details, while waiting for long, make it default to once the key parties that the management is concerned and has put in place relevant measures to protect customers. It is also possible to rebuild trust, but it is important to demonstrate genuine concern and take action to avoid the repeat of such other data breaches (Olsson, 2014). When facing a crisis, planning and anticipation, which are part of the preparation of the crisis plan, will be prioritized while working with key team members to deal with the data breach crisis. At the same time, the crisis plan will be updated constantly, making it easier to evaluate whether changes have been effective and it is possible to identify the source of the problem or vulnerabilities.
Expected Audience
The internal audience is the employees, and there is sensitization on the need to be more vigilant and careful when accessing customers' data. Therefore, the plan will have to be communicated to all the employees to ensure that they are aware of what is expected of them to avoid cases of cyber-attacks. The crisis communication plan will be presented to all the employees of the different ranks. The customers are the immediate external audience and will be notified so that they can verify their information. This is necessary to reduce and prevent identity theft since breaches can result in data manipulation. Law enforcement investigation influences the manner in which the bank communicates information to the public. Regardless of timing, it is necessary for the top management to take responsibility for the breach and data theft when there is a breach of information security the employee access credentials may also be compromised, while the government also looks into measures to protect the customer data (Kim, Johnson & Park, 2017).
Leadership hierarchy and approval processes
Management team
* It is the topmost level of the organization designed to deal with the prevention and management of a crisis.
* Prioritized response and facilitate planning regarding the actions outlined in the crisis management plan.
* Ensure team members participate and execute the plan by carrying on follow-ups on all the activities that have been assigned to them.
Crisis Management team members
* The members are part of the employees of Wells Fargo.
* The crisis management team embers communicate to the public, employees and the media and focus on public relations (Jenkins, Anandarajan, & D'Ovidio, 2014).
* Planning and exe...
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