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Simulated news Conference Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Simulated News Conference

Imagine yourself in the role of city manager, CEO, or spokesperson during a crisis situation. Write a simulated news conference essay that includes the following components:

an introduction and description of your crisis, including the stage of the crisis at which the press conference is taking place;

a description of what type of relationship you would want to have with certain types of media at this point and what you could do to establish that relationship;

a summary of how you will conduct a press conference, including what types of media will attend, who will manage the start and finish of the conference, and who will be the designated spokesperson;

and three trick questions that the reporters may ask in this particular situation; provide your planned answers to these trick questions.

Research sources to support your ideas. Your essay should be a minimum of three-pages in APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Simulated news Conference
My organization has faced a major technological crisis after unauthorized individuals penetrated into the company’s system and managed to obtain essential customer details. The hackers managed to extract customer’s names, their addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, buyer’s credit, and debit card numbers and their expiration dates. The company realized that the data breach had taken place when a third party used valid usernames and passwords to gain access to the customer’s accounts. Immediately after realizing the breach, the company sent emails to its customers notifying them that their accounts had been blocked and they could only access them after changing their password.
After such incidents, it is important for the organization to shift its focus and attention to deal with the situation. It was therefore important for me as the Chief Executive Officer of the organization to hold a press conference to explain to the customers and the world what has transpired and who have been affected. By the time of the press conference, the crises are at the first stage since it is held only after a few hours after information leaked that the organization had suffered a major cyber attacked. Ordinarily, the first stage of a crisis is also known as the breaking news stage (Phillips, 2011). It is during this moment that people want to know what happened and the news travels very first at this stage that it becomes necessary for validate and substantiate the information already available to the member of the public.
Throughout the press conference, I would ensure that I build a relationship that is based on trust between the organization and the media. To facilitate this there are things that I would make sure I do and there are those that I would never do. First, I would ensure that I understand what the media is interested in and ensure that I am truthful and honest about what the information I provide to them (Violino, 2007). Ordinarily, the media is interested in correct information that will be appealing to their audiences. When I am not sure about certain details, then I would make sure I indicate that I am not aware of the details at that point and guarantee them that I would provide it later once information has been verified. I would then make sure that I provide useful information by avoiding statements such as “no comment.” Providing helpful information may help the media in putting the situation in a proper context. I would then involve them in generating a crises management plan to ensure that they get up-to-date information.
However, there are certain things I would not do so that I can ensure that the good relationship with the media is not destroyed. I would ensure that I do not treat them as enemies. Shutting out th...
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