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Critical Reflection About The Film Petition By Zhao Liang

Essay Instructions:

Your reflections should demonstrate your understanding of the weekly readings and the films you have watched in class. The point of this assignment is to engage in close reading of theoretical texts and apply them to the analysis of the films.

Do not simply describe film, or detail out the plot and characters. Instead - discuss the films in relation to the concepts and themes brought up in the readings and vice versa

This essay required at least 300 words. Please just write 25 more words for me, really appreciate.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical reflection about the film "Petition by Zhao Liang."
Critical reflection about the film "Petition by Zhao Liang."
Directed by Zhao Liang, the film gives a unique testimony about China of today. The documentary examines the basis of the current Chinese political system anchored upon a twelve-year-observation of people who arrived at Perking with complaints concerning their local government. Gathered near the complaints offices, around the southern railway station of Beijing, living in most cases in makeshift shelters, the petitioners wait for months or years to obtain justice. The majority of them were put away to slums where they have, in their effort to achieve some justice, been existing in absolute poverty for up to several years. Innocent peasants are thrown off their land, contract workers from the factories which have gone into liquidation are denied justice, and small homeowners who have seen their houses demolished by the cruel authorities receive no compensation.
According to SASKIA SASSEN, the question of a bordered exclusive territory as a parameter for authority and rights has today entered...
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