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Simple Campaign Creative Brief

Essay Instructions:

Develop a Creative Brief that outlines your entire IMC campaign. Follow the brief format in the template provided.

Specific requirement will be uploaded in the file

This is the continuation of order 149746, 149207, and 148600

Required reading for this course: Juska (2017). Integrated Marketing Communication: Advertising and Promotion in a Digital World (1st edition) ISBN-13: 978-1138695443, ISBN-10: 1138695440

Essay Sample Content Preview:
What problem are we solving? How?
High rate of diabetes among youth in the U.S. The campaign should bring about awareness of the danger that lurks for the youth with regard to their eating habits. Further, it should sell the idea of consuming Coke Zero as a way to tone down on calories and sugar intake in the group.
Why are we solving this problem? What’s the benefit?
The goal is to help guarantee great health for young people. So, we are solving this problem to help ensure that fewer young people will be condemned to a lifetime of medication because of their eating habits and choices.
The benefit of the campaign lies in saving lives. Often, young people are oblivious to the danger ahead, and many are never mindful of their choices. However, by informing the group about the benefits of consuming Coke Zero as a way to watch over their health, the campaign will be helping the group become more sensitized to making better health choices.
How does this problem align with our product/service?
Coke Zero was launched to give consumers the option of taking sugar and calorie-free Coke. The target for the Coke Zero product is mainly individuals with great concern over their health and who are keen on what they consume. With the problem of diabetes creeping up on the young generation, it is indeed apt for Coke Zero, the brand, to be involved and to help champion a message of health and better health choices among the young people.

Project Deliverables & Scope

What are the deliverables for this campaign?
(e.g., five videos, three interviews & a series of social media posts.)
The deliverables include:
* 12 campaign videos – these will be released every month and will have an accompanying theme.
* Daily social media posts – these will be used to help champion the message of buying Coke Zero for great health. They will be using the hashtag - #CokeZeroForGreatHealth.
* An advert that will carry the main message of Coke Zero consumption – this should be released at the start of the campaign. It should be the foundation upon which the entire campaign messages, interviews, and videos are done.
* Influencer interviews – these should be as many as possible and will sometimes be part of the daily social media posts. These will help to spread the message and to reach as many young people as possible.
Do we anticipate any internal/external factors compromising the completion of the above deliverables? If so, how? Why?
Yes, we should anticipate some internal and external factors compromising the completion of the above deliverables. Examples of these include:
* An unwillingness of influencers to be part of the campaign. Gen Z is keen on the values of influencers and companies. Any compromising messaging could set them against the campaign and against the influencers. As McKinsey & Company (2020) indicates, Gen Z is mindful of an organization or brand’s values. If there may be hints of inauthenticity, the chances are high that they will not be a part of the campaign. So, there might be some influencers who may not wish to take part for fear of losing their audience because of being seen as pro-corporate or in alignment with the inauthenticity of organizations.
* Campaigns running counter-messages. With such a campaign running, there is a likelihood that a company or people outside of the campaign could initiate counter-campaigns in a bid to lessen the impact of this campaign.
* Commitment to the campaign. This is a major internal factor that could greatly impact the success of the entire campaign and not just the deliverables. Without commitment to the campaign, the team will have no zeal and a sense of obligation to actualize the deliverables.
Note: It’s important to be a specific as possible here to help stakeholders provide accurate estimates for completing each deliverable.

Target Audience

Who are we trying to reach with this campaign?
Gen Z. This group encompasses individuals born between 1996 and 2012.
Primary Audience/Persona:
The primary audience entails anyone between the ages of 10 and 25.
Secondary Audience/Persona (if needed):
The secondary audience entails the millennials or individuals who are currently aged between 26 to 40 years. This is another group that also needs to reduce their sugar intake and avoid becoming part of the group that is diagnosed with diabetes lat...
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