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The Mass Media Plays a Crucial Role

Essay Instructions:

This assignment aims to ensure you have a clear and workable plan for creating your Case Study assignment. See the attached essay for an example.

Hi again and welcome to this brief overview of your case study proposal. I highly recommend that you first watch the case study video and then come back to this one for the specifics on just the proposal. So the proposal for your case study should be around three to four pages long. In the proposal you will describe you will include an abstract, the context for your project, and introduction, brief literature review and the method you're going to use. So basically, this is a scaffolding assignment. So this is the first part of that larger case study. Now you can use the theoretical framework that you already wrote your lit review about for the previous essay, or you can choose something completely new and different. If you weren't in love with what you were doing and can't think of how you would apply it to a new context. Then I suggest just starting over so the introduction will be one to two paragraphs, and this will give a description of your project. It'll preview the media content that you plan to analyze for your case study. And say something about the scholarly literature you're going to examine but that one, I think, is a minor point. Really, this is where you want to say here's what you're doing. Here's the framework you're going to use, and then make an argument for why this works, right. Why this particular framework why agenda setting to examine you know, what's going on a political media stage right now, for instance, whatever theory you end up choosing. So the second part will be your literature view. So this is a summary of the literature that you're going to draw on for your analysis. And this won't be the entire review, of course, because this is only a three to four page assignment. So this might be where you want to say here's what I've looked at so far. Here are some themes in the literature. So think maybe a page and here's why it works. And then as you continue working on it, you can add, like more subsections or, you know, the medically organized paragraphs about the framework that you're using, and how that will then be applied to your own analysis that you're doing. Okay, after you've done that then you want to move on to your methods section. So here we go. This is where you're really going to lay out what it is that you're going to analyze points be as specific as possible. Why? Right, so why that particular context? Is it a series of news articles? Is it something about corporate responsibility and you're looking at discourse, media discourse from a company you've worked for, or you know, something controversial, that we've talked about? That's talked about a lot in the media, whatever it is that you decide, right? So the thing to remember is, this is a short assignment, and you only have a handful of weeks to do it. So think small, kind of tend to start out with these really big ideas of what we want to study and then we realize like oh, I can't really do that justice in the shortest time. So just be really specific and draw clear boundaries around what it is you want to examine. Is it a series of websites, some Twitter posts, what a couple corporations are doing on social media, whatever it is, you pick, you just want to narrow it down. And I'm happy to meet with you during our office hours week or at some other time to hear more about how you plan to do that and to help you narrow it down. If you if you need that work. That's one thing I have a lot of experience and so I should be able to help with that. Because then you also explain like how are you going to carry out this project? How will you collect this information? Are you going to look at tweets from a certain certain week? You know, newspaper articles from a particular publication or month or section. So what is it that you're going to examine? And how will you examine that? If you have some backgrounds in quantitative methods and statistics and you want to do something like that, that's great. For the rest of us, we're just going to use some kind of qualitative method. Are you going to do a thematic analysis are you going to do a content analysis look for themes or patterns or, or particular discourse but what's being said about something



Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Mass Media Plays a Crucial Role Abstract
As the agenda-setting theory explains, the mass media plays a crucial role in informing the public about various issues and influencing how they think and perceive them. This paper uses the agenda-setting theory to explore the role of media in the rise of Trumpism, an ideology resonating with outside persona, nativism, and populism. To do this, this study qualitatively analyses newspaper articles published online by notable media firms, including The Washington Post, The Guardian, Fox News, BBC, CNBC, and The New York Times. The study uses the analysis results to project the agenda-setting theory's future in light of the rise of social media and citizen journalism.
The June 2017 United States of America presidential election was among the most interesting in history. President Donald Trump won the elections after taking a unique approach to his campaign. He took a populism approach earning him many votes, especially from the native Americans and those who believed America was headed in the wrong direction and needed redemption from outsiders or foreigners slowly taking over and controlling the country. Among the issues Trump explored in his campaigns were immigration, populism, terrorism, crime, and economic insecurity (Caulk, 2017). However, these are not the issues that earned him the confidence and trust of the voter, but the media's role in informing the voters about what Trump's presidency would do, as explained by the agenda-setting theory. Articles published in various print media platforms, including the Guardian, Washington Post, The New York Times, and CNN, portrayed Trump not as a presidential candidate but the saviour Americans had been waiting for to deliver them from terrorism, economic, criminal, and social injustices, especially from foreigners. His Slogan "Make America Great Again" insinuated that America had lost its glory and that Trump would restore it. This gave rise to a new term called Trumpism, a political ideology, style of governance, social emotions, political movement, and the mechanism to acquire and keep control of power associated with President Trump and his political stronghold (Caulk, 2017).
Based on the above description, this paper aims to explain the rise of Trump into power and the emergence of Trumpism using the media influence lens. It explores the agenda-setting theory. This paper uses a qualitative research approach to explore this topic. It qualitatively analyzes print and online media articles based on the agenda-setting theoretical framework to explain the emergence of Trumpism. The agenda-setting theory is a model which describes how the media influences people to think and perceive various public interest issues through the angle of reporting the stories (McCombs & Shaw, 1972). This paper argues that the media helped Trump win the presidency and develop Trumpism through the approaches to reporting his campaign manifesto points.
This paper illustrates the role of agenda-setting theory in the rise of Trumpism. Dautrich and Hertley (1999) note that most Americans consume political information through media. The agenda-setting theory is the best to explain the rise of how political information is transmitted to the audience and how they interpret it. The model is anchored on the influence of the media on its audience to shape how they think and perceive issues of public interest (McCombs & Shaw, 1972). This is achieved through the angle of reporting, the kind of images and graphics accompanying the piece, and the general framing of the story. Based on this theory, this paper argues that the media framed Trump's campaign stories positively, influencing the voters positively and making them vote for Trump.
This paper will also use the results from the newspaper and online print media articles to show the current and future effects of agenda-setting theory on the audience based on the four principles of Trumpism; celebrity, outsider persona, nativism, and populist appeal (Tabachnick, 2016). Therefore, when analyzing the articles, this study looks up the four Trumpism themes, including economic insecurity, crime, and terrorism.
Literature Review
This section reviews previous work on agenda-setting theory and how it affects media consumers. It discusses two specific aspects; the rise of Trumpism and how the media portrayed Trump during the presidential campaign up to his election into office. However, it is essential to review the agenda-setting theoretical framework.
Agenda setting
Agenda setting dates back to the first chapter of 1922 Water Lipmann's book Public Opinion "The World Inside and The Pictures Inside Our heads" (Lippmann 1929). In this chapter, Lipmann asserts that the mass media connects the events that happen in the world and the images that the public form in their minds about those events. In 1972, Dr Max McCombs and Dr Donald Shaw formally developed the agenda-setting theory b...
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